ANN: NewsHound newsreader add-in - now with article coloring


Don Caton

Announcing NewsHound 1.1...

NewsHound is a MAPI service provider that adds the ability to read,
create and reply to newsgroups right from within Outlook. Now you can
use the features and UI that you are already familiar with to perform
your newsgroup activities.

NewsHound 1.1 adds the ability to "colorize" newsgroup articles. If
you've ever used Google's Groups Search, you are already familiar with
this concept. NewsHound automatically displays quotes and signature
lines in your choice of colors and fonts, making newsgroup articles
easier to read - especially those with excessive quoting. Screen shots
of this new feature are available here:

Some of NewsHound's other features include:

- Newsgroup articles can be stored in any personal folders file, or in
your Exchange mailbox
- Newsgroup articles can be grouped, sorted, organized, searched and
archived using all of Outlooks advanced features
- Newsgroup articles can be copied or linked to contact, task, journal
and note items and can be added as attachments to emails
- Full integration with Outlook's master address book
- All attachment types and popular encoding formats supported (utf-7/8,
uuencode, ISO-8859-x, etc.)
- Full Unicode international language support (when used with Outlook
- Does NOT require CDO or Microsoft.NET framework, written in C++ for
speed, compact size and minimum memory footprint

NewsHound works with Outlook 2000, 2002/XP and 2003.

Please visit our web site at for more

Complimentary licenses are available for qualified MVPs, reviewers and
other industry professionals - send mail to (e-mail address removed)

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