ANN: PowerPoint Heaven Updates - Jerry's Projects



Jeremiah Lee (Jerry) is the new PowerPoint Heaven's contributor.

Jerry began using PowerPoint because of his interest in arts and animations.
He specializes in drawing comic and realistic human characters using
PowerPoint. He takes every character he draws into deep details by adding cel
shading, facial expressions and life to these drawings.

Jerry's PowerPoint Artworks are now hosted by PowerPoint Heaven so that you
can see how comic characters and human faces can be drawn in PowerPoint!

2 of his artworks can now be downloaded in PowerPoint Heaven:
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Nov 15, 2006
Added PowerPoint 2007 Visual Tour (OfficeArt Effects)
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


I have to tell you that the artists you feature on your site are amazing!
Their work is outstanding. My daughter is an aspiring anime artist. We love
seeing how these creative artists use PowerPoint to create their masterpieces.

Kathy Jacobs

Add me to the list of impressed people. And, I showed the latest additions
to hubby and he was just blown away. Where do you find all this talent?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I got them through my email :)
And yup, many impressive works!
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Nov 15, 2006
Added PowerPoint 2007 Visual Tour (OfficeArt Effects)
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


That would be great, if you could let me have a look at the best uses of
animation in PPT. ;-)
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Nov 15, 2006
Added PowerPoint 2007 Visual Tour (OfficeArt Effects)
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Sandy Johnson

Thanks to both of you. I will send examples.

tohlz said:
That would be great, if you could let me have a look at the best uses of
animation in PPT. ;-)
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Nov 15, 2006
Added PowerPoint 2007 Visual Tour (OfficeArt Effects)
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

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