Annoying bugs



Hello Folks. I'm grateful for a referral to this forum.

I am running Word 11.2 (the 11.21 updater is downloading as I type) on
a G5 dual driven by OSX 10.44. I have adequate RAM ( 4.5 GB) and no
strange things installed.

I've been using Word on a Mac since the late eighties so I'm not a
newbie, i know what I'm doing.

Since OSX and Word 11, Word has been exhibiting some damned annoying
and persistent bugs or shortcomings or "sticky" preferences, call them
what you will. I'm at my wit's end to fix them so I turn here hoping
some kind sould can offer a tip or two.

1 First, on launch comes the annoying dialog "An unexpected error
occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework Library." This
error message is common to other components too, Excel for example.

I have no knowledge of this library. I've certainly removed nothing.

2 The next annoying thing is that, once launched, Word insists on
displaying the Adobe Acrobat PDF maker toolbar. I hate to think how
many times I've had to dismiss it. The menu item View/Toolbars/Adobe
Acrobat PDF Maker is not always checked (when it is, of course I
uncheck it) but, even when not checked, there is that !@%^&ing toolbar

There is no Preference to control it, only in the View menu.

3 In the course of getting rid of that toolbar, I look at the View
menu. There, once again, I see "Markup" is also checked. I must uncheck
it and, again, there is no Preference to control this.

4 Now I have a blank document displayed. (How I have wished, since the
eighties, to be able to turn off this "feature".)

Four times out of ten, this blank document (or even a document of mine
that I have chosen to open) is wedged up behind the Formatting Toolbar,
(Which, along with rulers, i _do_ want displayed), jammed hard against
the top of the monitor window denying access to the document title bar.
I'm lucky that I am running multiple monitors. Apart from a
quit-and-restart, the only way I can deal with this bug is to extend
the width of the document out to the right onto the right-hand monitor
which gives me a bit of window title-bar that I can use to move the
document where it should be, _under_ the Formatting Toolbar.

5 I used to have auto-save (actually "Auto-Recover") turned on in
Preferences. Not any more because, every 10 minutes, I would get a
dialog box telling me "Saving the AutoRecovery file is postponed for

Postponed? Hell, it's completely turned off!

6 OK now it's time to close the app. When I do, I get the last of
these annoying dialog boxes. it says "Word cannot save your global
template because you are running Word from a read-only folder. Would
you like to create a folder on your hard drive to save this? If you
choose no, Word will be unable to save any default settings."

A read-only folder? Are they mad? If I've checked once I've checked a
dozen times. I have full privileges on the Office folder and all
enclosed items. I can read and write and the little padlock is open. I
have administrator status.

7 And my last, while I'm in grump mode. Why the hell are
preferences greyed out when there is no document open? How non-standard
is that?

Grrr. I'm thoroughly pissed off with Microsoft's "**** you" attitude to
Mac users (Hey, what about all the other people they screw over too).
Word is the only MS product I use and, frankly, I'm trialling Open
Office. But, at an academic level, I would be curious to know if there
is any fix ‹ or even an explanation ‹ for these annoying bugs.

8 Stop Press. The 11.21 update has arrived. If I click the Read
Me.html file, all I get is "Safari can't find the file. No file exists
at the address "/private/tmp/dmg.hpfazx/Read Me.html"

Yawn. As if I expected anything else. Solved that one by opening in
BBEdit and saving with a new name.


Webmaster said:
Hello Folks. I'm grateful for a referral to this forum.

I am running Word 11.2 (the 11.21 updater is downloading as I type) on
a G5 dual driven by OSX 10.44. I have adequate RAM ( 4.5 GB) and no
strange things installed.

I've been using Word on a Mac since the late eighties so I'm not a
newbie, i know what I'm doing.

Since OSX and Word 11, Word has been exhibiting some damned annoying
and persistent bugs or shortcomings or "sticky" preferences, call them
what you will. I'm at my wit's end to fix them so I turn here hoping
some kind sould can offer a tip or two.

1 First, on launch comes the annoying dialog "An unexpected error
occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework Library." This
error message is common to other components too, Excel for example.

I had the same problem when I updated to Office 2004. I believe the
problem is with your identity in Entourage. I believe I had to trash my
identity and rebuild it, and everything is OK.
I have no knowledge of this library. I've certainly removed nothing.

2 The next annoying thing is that, once launched, Word insists on
displaying the Adobe Acrobat PDF maker toolbar. I hate to think how
many times I've had to dismiss it. The menu item View/Toolbars/Adobe
Acrobat PDF Maker is not always checked (when it is, of course I
uncheck it) but, even when not checked, there is that !@%^&ing toolbar

There is no Preference to control it, only in the View menu.

This may be a problem with Adobe Acrobat. I see the menu as well, but
haven't tried to get rid of it.
3 In the course of getting rid of that toolbar, I look at the View
menu. There, once again, I see "Markup" is also checked. I must uncheck
it and, again, there is no Preference to control this.

Yeah, I've suddenly started seeing that as well. I just unchecked it,
so we'll see if it pops up again when I next start Word.
4 Now I have a blank document displayed. (How I have wished, since the
eighties, to be able to turn off this "feature".)

I guess the only option you have here is to go to the preferences and
have the Project Gallery show up instead. Which is worse?
[snip the rest, for which I can provide no useful help]


Hello -

Not my purpose to defend MS - I'm just as critical as anyone, but I
don't see much in your post that justifies the spleen vented within. I
hope some of this may be useful.

1- This is someting that isn't endemic to Office, but is more likely
specific to your installation. Do you routinely run Disk Utility -
Repair Disk Permissions on each OS & application software
update/installation/removal? Not a bad idea to run it once a week,
regardless. What about the Unix maintenance scripts (crons) - are they
allowed to run at least periodically? Caches in OS X cause more
problems than most people realize.

2- This is done by Acrobat, not MS - see

3- The setting has no effect on anything unless Track Changes is on, in
which case the assumption is that the markup needs to be seen

4a- Both the OS & Word provide ample tools for changing this if you
really want to
4b- Make sure the toolbars are actually 'docked' to the Menu Bar rather
than simply 'floating' in that general vicinity

5 & 6- Have never seen either of these since going to Panther (10.3) &
the initial release of Office 2004. If you can supply more detail
perhaps someone can assist in resolving the issues. Have found no
reference to either in the NGs or Apple Discussions, so they may also
be specific to your situation

7- Almost everything is dimmed when no doc is open because many
settings are doc specific. Most of those that are more global are
stored in templates, such as Normal, to which the app has no access
unless the template file is open _or_ a doc based on one is. Some
programs work differently based on the nature of the app, but I don't
know that there is a 'standard' as opposed to 'non-standard' approach.
In fact, since Word predates almost every Mac app on the market,
perhaps the others are the 'non-standard' - which is not to say that it
is better or worse.

8- If you double-clicked the icon promply upon download, you can
probably blame Apple... OS X's Finder doesn't update as promptly as it
should especially if Indexing is active, so Safari probably couldn't
find it since Finder didn't yet know it was there. Had you gone to
Safari's Open>File command as I assume you did with BBEdit the file
would probably have opened. See what happens if you double-click it
again, just out of curiosity.

Regards |:>)

JE McGimpsey

1 First, on launch comes the annoying dialog "An unexpected error
occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework Library." This
error message is common to other components too, Excel for example.

I have no knowledge of this library. I've certainly removed nothing.

If after updating this problem is still occurring, it's because the
wrong database daemon is running. Quit all Office apps. Go to System
2 The next annoying thing is that, once launched, Word insists on
displaying the Adobe Acrobat PDF maker toolbar. I hate to think how
many times I've had to dismiss it. The menu item View/Toolbars/Adobe
Acrobat PDF Maker is not always checked (when it is, of course I
uncheck it) but, even when not checked, there is that !@%^&ing toolbar

There is no Preference to control it, only in the View menu.

3 In the course of getting rid of that toolbar, I look at the View
menu. There, once again, I see "Markup" is also checked. I must uncheck
it and, again, there is no Preference to control this.

You can change this by opening the Normal template (found in the
~:Documents:Microsoft User Data: folder), unchecking the Markup item,
then saving and closing the Normal template.

However, this is rather a non-issue for most people since you don't see
markup unless you turn on Track Changes. Very few people turn on Track
Changes without wanting to view the Markup.
4 Now I have a blank document displayed. (How I have wished, since the
eighties, to be able to turn off this "feature".)

Four times out of ten, this blank document (or even a document of mine
that I have chosen to open) is wedged up behind the Formatting Toolbar,
(Which, along with rulers, i _do_ want displayed), jammed hard against
the top of the monitor window denying access to the document title bar.
I'm lucky that I am running multiple monitors. Apart from a
quit-and-restart, the only way I can deal with this bug is to extend
the width of the document out to the right onto the right-hand monitor
which gives me a bit of window title-bar that I can use to move the
document where it should be, _under_ the Formatting Toolbar.

The cause may be your Formatting Toolbar being undocked. Try moving it
up and down a bit to see if the window snaps in. You can also try using
Window/Arrange or Window/Zoom Window commands. To prevent toolbars from
coming undocked, you may find this helpful:
5 I used to have auto-save (actually "Auto-Recover") turned on in
Preferences. Not any more because, every 10 minutes, I would get a
dialog box telling me "Saving the AutoRecovery file is postponed for

Postponed? Hell, it's completely turned off!

AutoRecover can't save changes (and it *only* saves changes, not the
entire document) if the document itself is busy, e.g., being saved. If
AutoRecover is set for 10 minutes, that obviously shouldn't happen very
often. Were the documents local?
6 OK now it's time to close the app. When I do, I get the last of
these annoying dialog boxes. it says "Word cannot save your global
template because you are running Word from a read-only folder. Would
you like to create a folder on your hard drive to save this? If you
choose no, Word will be unable to save any default settings."

A read-only folder? Are they mad? If I've checked once I've checked a
dozen times. I have full privileges on the Office folder and all
enclosed items. I can read and write and the little padlock is open. I
have administrator status.


When you installed Office, were you in an administrator account?

Have you reset Disk Permissions using the Disk Utility app?
7 And my last, while I'm in grump mode. Why the hell are
preferences greyed out when there is no document open? How non-standard
is that?

Pet peeve of mine, too.
Grrr. I'm thoroughly pissed off with Microsoft's "**** you" attitude to
Mac users (Hey, what about all the other people they screw over too).
Word is the only MS product I use and, frankly, I'm trialling Open
Office. But, at an academic level, I would be curious to know if there
is any fix ‹ or even an explanation ‹ for these annoying bugs.

Haven't seen any real "bugs" in your post. Except for Adobe's toolbar.
There's a lot of design features that you disagree with, certainly, and
I'm not sure about the disk issue, but no MS bugs.
8 Stop Press. The 11.21 update has arrived. If I click the Read
Me.html file, all I get is "Safari can't find the file. No file exists
at the address "/private/tmp/dmg.hpfazx/Read Me.html"

Yawn. As if I expected anything else. Solved that one by opening in
BBEdit and saving with a new name.

Yup, something's definitely different with your disk permissions or
locations. When I download the updater and open the disk image, the
Read-me.html file is in the /Volumes/Office 2004 11.2.1 Update folder.
I guess it doesn't surprise me that Safari doesn't find, or perhaps have
permission to open, anything in the /private directory.

Clive Huggan

Note for anyone trying to find where the original post went to if they are
using Entourage or newsreader software, as I did:

I suspect some foul language of the original poster, "Webmaster", led to the
post being removed. It is available on Google newsgroups at

Clive Huggan

Hylton Boothroyd

Clive Huggan said:
I suspect some foul language of the original poster, "Webmaster", led to the
post being removed. It is available on Google newsgroups at

Which provided an interesting exercise in getting the original back into
MacSOUP in its rightful place at the head of its thread!

Jeffrey Weston [MSFT]

I'd like to echo CyberTaz's comment's about disk permissions.

3 issues reported by "Webmaster" look like they all stem from Word not being
able to get access to the "Microsoft User Data" folder. This folder is
located in your: <Home Folder>:Documents:Microsoft User Data, and contains
many important files and places to write files that Word needs to function

1. The "Unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft
Framework Library" message can be caused when Word or any other Office
application cannot read the "Microsoft Entourage Database" file. Located in
the "Microsoft User Data" folder. This file contains the user's identity and
addressbook contacts that Word (and other applications) use for
Autocomplete, the Office AddressBook etc...

5. The "Saving the Autorecovery file is postponed..." message occurs when
Word can't save the Autorecovery file. Word saves the Autorecovery file in
the "Microsoft User Data" folder.

6. The "Word cannot save your global template because you are running Word
from a read-only folder..." message can again occur if Word does not have
access to the place it defaults to saving your template. Which
can be in the "Microsoft User Data" folder.

I would recommend as CyberTaz did to check your disk permissions, and ensure
that you as a user can access the "Microsoft User Data" folder can it's

The first 2 error messages are not the most explanatory nor helpful messages
ever written. I can completely sympathize with a user (especially a Mac
user, as I am) who encounters the "Framework" error message or the blanket
statement "Saving the Autorecovery file is postponed" and is left frustrated
with no additional explanation or intuitive resource to find out how to fix
the problem.

I have passed this information on to our group, so we can hopefully improve
this experience for a future release.

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