Annoying dotted line after style change




When I attempt to change styles after a paragraph break (i.e., hitting
"return",) a dotted line appears between the two styles, and I can't
get rid of it.

The dotted line can be grabbed and dragged, increasing or decreasing
the line spacing. If I delete the paragraph break, which forces the
paragraph below onto the same line and same style as the style above,
the line disappears.

This is difficult to explain. Basically, I don't know what the dotted
line is, why it appears, and how to get rid of it.

Any suggestions?

Dayo Mitchell

Does the dotted line print?

The dotted line could be a page break. Make sure the second style you are
applying has not got "page break before" formatting (either look at the
style definition or try removing the page break before via Format |


Thanks for your reply. The dotted line does print, and it's not a page
break. Also, "page break before" is not checked in Format>Paragraph.
I'm writing a newsletter in two columns, and the dotted line seems to
show up across the entire column whenever I attempt to change from one
style to another. As an example, I created one style called "Body
Text Title," which is just a Times Roman 14 pt. bold, and "Body Text
2," which is Times Roman 12 pt. Going from the former to the latter,
or vice versa, results in the dotted line between the two. The only
way I can seem to prevent it is if I manually change my size and bold
within the style to reflect the other.

Dayo Mitchell

Maybe it's a border applied to your style. See if Format | Borders and
Shading, set to None, works to get rid of it--if so, then modify the style
to not have a border.

You can grab the line, but not select and delete it?

I'm pretty sure someone had this same problem on this group within the last
few months, if you want to try google groups to look for it. I forget what
his solution was, but think it was eventually solved. There is also the
possibility it's a drawing line.


Interesting suggestion. No, I couldn't select the dotted line - just
move it slightly up or down (as the cursor changed shape to do that).
I thought it couldn't possibly be a border; however, when I selected
the lines above and below the dotted line and went to "border" and
selected none, the dotted line vanished from those lines...but
appeared in the paragraph above! And as I selected it there, it did
the same thing, moving up one paragraph. So I finally did a "select
all," chose no border, and it's gone. I still don't understand what
was happening, but I think I know how to get rid of it.

Thanks for the help.

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