annoying flcker as macro copies from one sheet to another



I have a macro in excel 2003 that

1. Reads the contents of a cell on one sheet
2. processes the value
3. Writes the new value to a cell on another sheet

It does the three steps hundreds of times for different cells in a grid.

When the macro runs it jumps from sheet to sheet to sheet again in an
annoying way. Is it possible to have the macro run but not update the
screen as it goes? In some way get the macro to save the updates in
memory and write them to the screen in one go when the macro terminates?



Yes you can use:
Application.Screenupdating = False
And remember to set it back to True when you're done.
But you may also consider informing users that some processing is running
with for instance:
Application.StatusBar = "Currently processing values...please wait"

In which case you 'll have to write the code as follows:
Application.StatusBar = "Please wait currently processing values..."
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'do your stuff
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = False


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