Annoying Macro Warnings After Upgrading to Office 2003



I just upgraded from Office 2000 to 2003 and installed all the
updates. When I open Word I get a popup box that says "macros in
this project are disabled". After researching the problem I set the
macro security setting to medium and checked "Trust all installed
addins and templates."

Now when I open Word I get 2-4 popup boxes in this order: contains macros (disable/enable);
if I enter disable I get this message next: macros in this project
are disabled;
if I enter enable instead I get this message next:
contains macros (disable/enable);
if I enter disable again I get this message again: macros in this
project are disabled;
if I enter enable the last box disappears.

Regardless of whether I click on enable or disable for both macros,
the next time I open Word I get the same boxes all over again. After
further research I could not find a solution to this problem.

I ended up renaming the two macros to disable them, but they reside
in the Office 2003 startup folder, so I don't know what functionality
I'm losing, if any. They're not mentioned in my 1400-page Office
2003 book and I can't find any info about them online.

Is there a way to allow these Microsoft macros to run without the
popup boxes appearing and without setting my macro security to low?

Charles Kenyon

These are almost certainly Add-Ins installed in the Office Startup folder
rather than the Word Startup folder. Often these are outdated Add-Ins
installed by third-party software that you don't use. If that is the case,
remove them from the Office Startup Folder. If you do use them, move them to
the Word Startup folder which is recognized as a trusted location.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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from my ignorance and your wisdom.


I assumed they were installed by Microsoft during the upgrade, since
they found their way to the Office 2003 startup folder. I guess they
could have been copied over from my previous version of Office. I'm
curious now what program could have installed them.

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