Annoying pop-up in Internet Explorer


Brentwood Boy

Recently I am getting an annoying pop-up on all the pages of my web site . It is a commercial site marketing our business education
products. At first I thought it was something on my computer that was causing
this but I am now getting comments from others who access my web site. This
only happens on my web site pages. I would like to know how to get rid of
this pop-up. The pop-up message is as follows:

'Do you want to allow this web page to access your clipboard? If you allow
this, the web page can access the clipboard and read information that you've
cut or copied recently.' Below this message are two buttones to click 'Allow
access' and Don't allow'.

I would appreciate it if someone can tell me how to get rid of this pop-up
which is annoying users of my web site.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

That is an Internet explorer, not Outlook issue. It's caused by a setting in
Internet Options, Security. Rather than lower security, your web designed
needed to fix the site to eliminate the need to access the clipboard.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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Brentwood said:
Recently I am getting an annoying pop-up on all the pages of my web site .

Not an Outlook issue, the topic of THIS newsgroup. Ask in the IE


or in a web design newsgroup (sorry, I don't visit any to suggest some).
It is a commercial site marketing our business education

So are you in charge of that web site? Or are you merely added a hosted
web site using that domain server?
The pop-up message is as follows:

'Do you want to allow this web page to access your clipboard? If you allow
this, the web page can access the clipboard and read information that you've
cut or copied recently.' Below this message are two buttones to click 'Allow
access' and Don't allow'.

Why is your web site (or the webhosting provider's wrapper page around
your code) trying to paste anything into the visitor's web browser (and
without that visitor actually clicking on anything that indicates that
action would occur)?

For example, do your web pages (or any code wrapped around it by your
webhoster) use javascript to copy text into the clipboard for the
visitor, like the using <docobject>.execCommand("Copy");' command? An
example of HTML code that uses javascript to paste to the clipboard is
Alternatively, an onclick event could run "copy(<docobject>);" to do the
copy to clipboard. The javascript doesn't have to be in your web page
but could be in a referenced .js file from where methods are found that
you call in your page's code. It isn't just javascript that can be
used. Scripts inside of Flash content can also copy to the clipboard

Do visitors have to first click on something before the clipboard
warning appears? If so, look at what javascript code gets executed for
the onclick event for that clickable object.

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