I do have a little trouble with creating a form with buttons at runtime.
Environment: Access 2002, Visual Basic Editor
If I run the Sub TestOpenOrCreateForm in F8 mode or if I set Breakpoints in
front of AddOrChangeButton then it works fine.
However the sub fails when I run it with F5.
If I run it with F5 then only the first button is created.
Any ideas?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
rem this either opens a given form or creates a new one with the name saveas
Function OpenOrCreateForm(SaveAs, Caption As String) As Form
Dim frm As Form
Dim doc As Document
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each doc In db.Containers("forms").Documents
If doc.Name = SaveAs Then
DoCmd.OpenForm SaveAs, acDesign
Set frm = Application.Forms(SaveAs)
Set OpenOrCreateForm = frm
Exit Function
End If
Set frm = Application.CreateForm
frm.Caption = Caption
SendKeys SaveAs & "{ENTER}", False
Application.RunCommand acCmdSaveAs
Set OpenOrCreateForm = frm
End Function
Sub AddOrChangeButton(frm As Form, btn_name, btn_caption As String, left,
top, width, height As Long)
Dim objControl As control
For Each objControl In frm.Controls
If objControl.Name = btn_name Then
objControl.Properties("caption").Value = btn_caption
objControl.Properties("left").Value = left
objControl.Properties("top").Value = top
objControl.Properties("width").Value = width
objControl.Properties("height").Value = height
Exit Sub
End If
Set objControl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acCommandButton, acDetail, , , 250,
250, 1000, 400)
objControl.Properties("caption").Value = btn_caption
objControl.Properties("name").Value = btn_name
End Sub
Sub TestOpenOrCreateForm()
Dim frm As Form
Dim control As control
Set frm = OpenOrCreateForm("HelloWorld", "Hallo Welt")
Debug.Print frm.Name
AddOrChangeButton frm, "HalloWelt", "Hallo Meine Welt", 250, 250, 2500, 400
AddOrChangeButton frm, "2ndWelt", "Zweite Meine Welt", 250, 750, 2500, 400
AddOrChangeButton frm, "3ndWelt", "Dritte Meine Welt", 250, 1250, 2000, 400
Application.RunCommand acCmdSave
Application.RunCommand acCmdClose
End Sub
I do have a little trouble with creating a form with buttons at runtime.
Environment: Access 2002, Visual Basic Editor
If I run the Sub TestOpenOrCreateForm in F8 mode or if I set Breakpoints in
front of AddOrChangeButton then it works fine.
However the sub fails when I run it with F5.
If I run it with F5 then only the first button is created.
Any ideas?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
rem this either opens a given form or creates a new one with the name saveas
Function OpenOrCreateForm(SaveAs, Caption As String) As Form
Dim frm As Form
Dim doc As Document
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each doc In db.Containers("forms").Documents
If doc.Name = SaveAs Then
DoCmd.OpenForm SaveAs, acDesign
Set frm = Application.Forms(SaveAs)
Set OpenOrCreateForm = frm
Exit Function
End If
Set frm = Application.CreateForm
frm.Caption = Caption
SendKeys SaveAs & "{ENTER}", False
Application.RunCommand acCmdSaveAs
Set OpenOrCreateForm = frm
End Function
Sub AddOrChangeButton(frm As Form, btn_name, btn_caption As String, left,
top, width, height As Long)
Dim objControl As control
For Each objControl In frm.Controls
If objControl.Name = btn_name Then
objControl.Properties("caption").Value = btn_caption
objControl.Properties("left").Value = left
objControl.Properties("top").Value = top
objControl.Properties("width").Value = width
objControl.Properties("height").Value = height
Exit Sub
End If
Set objControl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acCommandButton, acDetail, , , 250,
250, 1000, 400)
objControl.Properties("caption").Value = btn_caption
objControl.Properties("name").Value = btn_name
End Sub
Sub TestOpenOrCreateForm()
Dim frm As Form
Dim control As control
Set frm = OpenOrCreateForm("HelloWorld", "Hallo Welt")
Debug.Print frm.Name
AddOrChangeButton frm, "HalloWelt", "Hallo Meine Welt", 250, 250, 2500, 400
AddOrChangeButton frm, "2ndWelt", "Zweite Meine Welt", 250, 750, 2500, 400
AddOrChangeButton frm, "3ndWelt", "Dritte Meine Welt", 250, 1250, 2000, 400
Application.RunCommand acCmdSave
Application.RunCommand acCmdClose
End Sub