Annoying sounds in Word 2000 with Vista



I've been using Word 2000 with Vista and works really well as if it's 2007.

However, one thing over which I concern is that everytime I click an 'open
icon' at the top upon attempting to open folder/text I typed previously, it
makes a distiguished and annoying sounds.

For this to stop, I un-checked 'make sounds,' < Option < F1, however it
is still the same, ... making annoying and squeaky sounds.

Wonder how to stop this, distiguished and annoying sounds?

Thanks for any help.

Stefan Blom

Turn off the sounds in Control Panel. Note that if you need assistance with
the specific steps, you'll have to ask in a Windows newsgroup.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message news:[email protected]...

Terry Farrell

I suggest investigating why the error bleep is occurring rather than
disabling the sounds. It isn't making an error warning just to annoy you.


Thanks for the responses.

The Word 2000 is 'Dinasour' Word, then I understand it might not get
any solution/response to this issue.

Beeping sounds occurs when I click File I need to open, ... not clicking
'Opening Icon' at the top which I mistakenly stated in my original post.

In XP, I never heard Beeping Sounds, then it may be something to do with
'Public,' because Word 2000 I made in 'Public,' so that everyone can access
and read. Because, mostly I've been using Word 2000.

Other than that, I LOVE so much that I hesitate to switch newer version of
Word, however I may not be able to keep if there is no solution to this.
Beeping sounds make me nervous and annoying, particularly during tiring

However, one more time I try before doing so the above, in MS Newsgroup if
there is NO solution found on this Board.


Mary Sauer

I have the same problem. The only 2000 application I have on this Vista computer
is Publisher. I get the annoying beep when I open a file. I can't find where to
turn it off. I suspect it is a registry fix. I also have Publisher 97, 98,
2002, 2003 and 2007 on this computer, they don't make a sound.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I don't have Vista, so I can't suggest a specific Vista solution, but the
current version of Microsoft Money was driving me crazy with various sounds
for *every single action* I took. I found that in Control Panel | Sounds and
Audio Devices in Windows XP there are specific listings (below the generic
ones) for sounds in particular programs. There are about a million for
Money, and since I didn't know what most of them meant (and kept getting
beeps and boops after turning some of them off), I finally just gave up and
set every single one of them to "(None)."

Mary Sauer

In the sound folder of Vista, at least with my computer, there is not one sound
for an Office application. I still use Money 97, the sounds are within the
program options.


Strange enough tho', .... I tested another, new PC with Vista and found
to be 'No-Beeping-Sounds' at all. Only, this PC with Vista has Beeping
sounds whenever I click to open any of files in the Word 2000.

In my wild guess, .... probably when the PC/Hp was manufactured, for some
reason, 'Sounds' were added. Because, in my recollection, when I started to
use in Mid-November, 'beeping-sounds' was heard when I opened up Vista even
though I un-checked, 'no sound/none' from accessing Control Panel. However,
after many uses with this machine, at least 'Beeping-sounds' upon starting
Vista was COMPLETELY gone, for that I feel 'big relief.'

If any of you, either on this board or MS. Newsgroup could find a solution
to this issue might be truly hard, because of a nature, ... one PC with
Vista making 'beeping sounds,' but other PCs with Vista doesn't. Both PCs
manufactured the same company, Compaq/HP.

If 'Beeping Sounds' would persist, I may go to the HP site for a help,
because I still LOVE 'Word 2000.'

Suzanne S. Barnhill

That's what I feared, as I didn't think there were any entries specifically
for Office. I have noticed that in Windows XP, I get different sounds for
various events than I got in Windows 2000, and it has taken me a while to
decide whether I prefer a chime to a beep. In general, I prefer to have no
sound for most events, but there are occasional events that puzzlingly have
no sound, such as deleting files: since you always get a confirmation
dialog, I would expect an attention beep (or chime) as well (you do get one
in OE when deleting emails).

Terry Farrell


In Vista, I see separate listings under the 'Sounds' tab for Windows,
Explorer, Office, Speech Recognition and Photo Gallery.

Terry Farrell

Suzanne S. Barnhill

And in the Windows section you can surely disable the sound for Windows
startup and shutdown (one of the first things I always do since those events
tend to occur early in the morning and late at night, when others may be
sleeping, and for some reason are inordinately loud regardless of my volume

Terry Farrell



Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
And in the Windows section you can surely disable the sound for Windows
startup and shutdown (one of the first things I always do since those
events tend to occur early in the morning and late at night, when others
may be sleeping, and for some reason are inordinately loud regardless of
my volume settings).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Mary Sauer

Sorry, Terry, I have no sound options for Office. I have options for CorelDraw,
AOL, NetMeeting and some others and Windows of course. I do have the Speech
Recognition and Photo Gallery.


I got a solution/response after posting Microsoft.Public.Office.set-up.

As following an instruction, I disabled from Sounds < Control Panel, however
I could not get any sounds at all which I do not prefer. Because, sometime
I need to listen music/song down the road. Then, I made it 'enable.' At
least, I know that the issue is nothing to with 'warning,' only it's related
to 'Sounds' < control panel.

As posted in one of my previous post, in other Vista has no issue, even
though I didn't bother Sounds < Control Panel.

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