It's just one of them walls we spoke about...specifically.
There will be more :-(
Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression
| That is one of the problems with this workaround for centering a
| web page. After you make changes in a Publisher publication, and produce
| html files, you have to edit that code again. And it is totally
| if you have to open and edit every page each time. So you do want to
| download RepaceInFile and follow Don's directions for Pub 2000 and 2002.
| Pub 2003 and 2007 you will need to take another few steps...
| Spike first posted a way of using using Jo's original code with
| ReplaceInFile"
| Pub 2003 and 2007 from Jo:
| "UNDERNEATH the <body> tag, enter (copy and paste will work) this

| may need to change the width)
| <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="1000"
| align="center">
| <tr>
| <td>
| ------------------------------------
| ABOVE the </body> tag, enter the following:
| </td>
| </tr>
| </table>
| Jo
| --------------
| Pub 2003 and 2007 from Spike:
| Using "replace in files" I found a common point of replacement that
| to work for me for Publisher 2007.
| Since the background changes from one publication to another I found the
| closest commonality after <body>.
| That turned out to be </v:background></xml><![endif]-->
| Since "replace in files" needs to have the entire text on one line I
| the replacement string as shown below.
| I also changed the 1000 to 800 to accommodate the 1024 X 768 settings.
| tested it with the settings:
| 800 X 600
| 1024 X 768
| 1440 X 900
| Not perfectly centered but real close
| Takes two runs of "replace in files"
| Once the strings are typed in it just takes selecting the ones you want
| the drop down arrow for Find and Replace With
| Find = </v:background></xml><![endif]-->
| Replace With = </v:background></xml><![endif]--><table border="0"
| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="800" align="center"><tr><td>
| Find </body>
| Replace With </td></tr></table></body>
| Spike"
| -------------------------------------
| My notes:
| The link to ReplaceInFiles:
| As centering Publisher pages requires that you edit the code each time
| update your Publisher publication and produce new html, using
| to semi-automate the process seems essential to me. It just isn't
| to open each .htm page in NotePad each time and insert Jo's code
| As per Spike's method of using ReplaceInFiles, change the width to the
| width of your pages instead of 800. In most cases if you used a default
| in Publisher, it will be 760 pixels.
| I also think that each person using ReplaceInFiles will have to find a
| "common point of replacement" that is appropriate for your file. In my
| limited testing of Spike's method I have not found that the string:
| </v:background></xml><![endif]--> is universal.
| To find a string to replace in your publication, do a web page preview
| your home page, and then in IE go to View > Source. This will open that
| in NotePad. Then in NotePad go to Edit > Find and type in "body" without
| quotes. Find the first reference to "body" after </head>. That is the
| string that will need to be replaced.
| In the case of that string is:
| <body link="#0066FF" vlink="#6633CC" bgcolor=black style='margin:0'>
| Add Jo's code to that string. I would suggest writing this string in a
| second instance of notepad with no word wrap. That way you can make sure
| code is all on one line and correct. Then you can just copy and paste it
| ReplaceInFiles.
| Your first Replace With:
| <body link="#0066FF" vlink="#6633CC" bgcolor=black
| border="0"cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"
| The last replacement string would be as Spike describes it:
| Find </body>
| Replace With </td></tr></table></body>
| I have only done limited testing with this, so you may have to play with
| and may find a more efficient way of doing this. But remember that you
| have to do this edit each time to each page after you make any changes
| the Publisher doc, and create new html. Also if you change your page
| you better check the first body might be different.
| It is all a bit of a pain to center Pub 2003 or 2007 website even with
| Replaceinfile, and for most may not be worth the effort. Let me know if
| try it, and if you can offer a more efficient way of doing this. Once
| get it setup it will make quick work of editing the code though.
| Don, if you are reading this...please feel free to incorporate this
| process" into your directions for 2000 and 2002. You have a way of
| things down to the essential steps, and your directions are clear, so
| please...have at it. Thanks.
| DavidF
| > Hi all!
| >
| > I have appreciated everyones help in the past, a great discussion
| > group here.
| >
| > My site is at
| >
| > I would like to center it and have successfully done so using the
| > following code which was very helpfully posted by another user in this
| > group (thanks again!):
| >
| > <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="825"
| > align="center">
| > <tr>
| > <td>
| > ------------------------------------
| > ABOVE the </body> tag, enter the following:
| > </td>
| > </tr>
| > </table>
| >
| > However, anytime I go in and make any changes to the site and resave
| > it, this code is stripped out of it. I tried to use the "Add HTML
| > Fragment" button, but that doesn't work for code fragments that are
| > just general formatting things apparently.
| >
| > Does anyone have any suggestions for the centering problem or any more
| > info on what the HTML Fragment button is best used for and what it is
| > bad for. Looking forward to learning more. Thanks!