Another case of Office 2007 Save As freeze on Vista x64SP1



Office 2007 on Vista x64 SP1

I have read all the articles. Tried most of the KB articles and tips
found, but none of them have exactly matched my problem.

In the common File open/Save As dialogue from the Office 2007
products, I have the following problem:

Whenever I clik on the "Computer" Link on the left, the dialogue and
word itself freezes. A little like many others have experienced. But
in my case the freeze is ONLY triggered by the "Computer" link. I can
browse whereever to I wish. Also any \\ url location I have access to.
Only the "Computer" Link locks up the office app.

A strange thing I also see is: If I boot into safe mode (network or no
network gives the same behavior). Word or any other office product
doesnt allow me to safe a fíle. The "Save As" window simply does not
appear. Neither does the "open file" window. That tells me something
is rotten in the office dialogue department :-/

I have never mapped any network drives on that machine, and none are
I've run different virus scanners, have had them diabled, run multiple
spyware scans, disabled all addins to any office product I've found,
run a sfc /scannow, diagnosed the office installation, repaired the
office installation .... all without any result. I've also liberally
uninstalled a number of apps to see if they made any diff. They

Processmonitor have shown nothing suspicious at the time of the

Process Explorer on the other hand tells me which thread on the
Winword.exe process is eating CPU cycles. (50% om my Core2Duo = full
throttle on one of the cores I guess). Process explorer shows it's the
ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart thread using all the cycles. The Stack
for the thread shows 2 items:
0 ntoskrnl.exe!ExpInterlockedFlushSList+0x14a0
1 ntoskrnl.exe!ExpInterlockedFlushSList+0x14a0

I'm unfortunately way too ignorant to know how to make any sense out
of the stack. Wouldn't know where to start.

Anyway ... thats all I can think of .... this really bugs me. I am
on the verge of reinstalling my machine, but I hate to run away from
any problem because they usually come back at one point in time when I
install my machine with the same configuration. So I'll rather solve a
problem the hard way. Or at least give it a decent shot.

Can someone give me a hand with this? Much appreciated.



Allright. Forget about this ... I took a day off to reinstall the
SOB. Hope I don't run into this again.

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