Another cell formatting dependent on cell contents question / message box popup?



I've looked in the archives and have found some code to do this type
of thing but I haven't found where the code should really actually go
or how to do 2 things.

Re where it should go, would the worksheet module be best location, or
should code go elsewhere? It would be best if the formatting
automatically updates and that the user doesn't have to press a button
to have the cell formatting take place or "refresh". I don't actually
know if XL2K can do that.

First thing - conditional formatting would be easiest perhaps for font
colour but we have more than the allowed 3 conditions. About 7
different formatting issues so far, if memory serves.

There are about 7 different correspondence types. I forgot to bring a
copy of the sheet home, but each cell font colour in a row will depend
on to whom the correspondence is going to. In the Word doct. they've
been using up till now, they've done this manually.

In about the third cell in a row we might have recipient as "Official
Agents". For this entire row in the print area, then, the font for
all text should be, say, purple. For the entry of "Returning
Officers", the row font should be, oh, blue. Also, I've found code
that talks about formatting in a range but not sure if when we add new
rows to this log, that the code would adjust (?), whereas the print
area seems better to me (esp. since header row in that print area
doesn't have same text we'd use for the formatting) but will leave to
experts to advise what is actually best.

Lastly, is this possible: depending on due date cell in sheet, can a
box pop up showing three things -

1) overdue dockets in red that are past the due date and showing #
of days overdue along with actual due date;
2) items due today (in blue perhaps) and showing actual due date; and
3) items due tomorrow in green, again also listing actual due dates.

If users want to know more, they just go to the sheet itself, of

I think I'd put this "due dates" information in a msgbox that pops up
via 2 avenues - in Auto_Open and on a button users press to get info.
I imagine I'd have to create a form to be used rather than a standard
message box, but I'm ready to learn how to do that <g>. My colleagues
are working without a system and they came to me almost in desperation
yesterday to see if I could come up with something for them.

It's a tall order and I'm most willing to do the legwork, I just
haven't figured out what search terms to use as I get a much too broad
range of related and unrelated messages in the archives so any help to
get us started would be greatly appreciated! :eek:D

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