Another formula problem


Frances C

I am using this formula =IF(COUNT(H16,N16)=2,H16*N16*IF(R16>0,R16,1),"")
and works fine, It does not shows in the cell if I have not enter a number
in H16.

But If I enter zero in H16 the formula does not calculates. Can you help me
with that.

JE McGimpsey

What do you mean "the formula does not calculate"? Do you get an error?
Based on your formula, the result should be 0.

What do you get, and what do you expect, if not zero?

Frances C

The formula works fine, It calculates very good. and It does not show up if I
do not enter a number in the H16 cell. and that is the way I wanted it.

But the new problem that I have is that If I want to enter a 0 zero in cell
H16 the formula does not reconize 0 it does not show up a 0 as a result.

For example =IF(COUNT(H16,N16)=2,H16*N16*IF(R16>0,R16,1),"")

H16=20 and N16 = 1 result is 20, but if I have to enter H16=0 and N16=0 the
formula does not calculate the result 0

Note I understand that "" makes the formula (invisible) not to show if is
not necesary. I need this formula to reconize the 0 and to show up only when

Ron Rosenfeld

I am using this formula =IF(COUNT(H16,N16)=2,H16*N16*IF(R16>0,R16,1),"")
and works fine, It does not shows in the cell if I have not enter a number
in H16.

But If I enter zero in H16 the formula does not calculates. Can you help me
with that.

Your formula seems to work OK here.

How are you entering the zero into H16?

How are entering other values into H16?

When you put a zero into H16, what is the contents of N16?


it does not work, it gives me a false

I don't know how the suggested alternative could have possibly returned
FALSE over there.

It either returns zero if you input a zero in H16 where N16/R16 is either
blank or contain numbers.

Or it returns an error: #VALUE! if N16 or R16 contains text instead of

If H16 is blank, it'll simply return a blank: ""

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