John Korchok
If you've ever tried the RmDir command in Mac VBA, you've noticed it doesn't
work. This is because each Mac folder contains a hidden file called "Icon".
RmDir doesn't work on folders that contain files, so your next step might be
to use Kill to delete the hidden file. Of course, Kill, doesn't work on
hidden files, so first you have to change it to a normal file using GetAttr
with the vbNormal constant.
Unfortunately, the GetAttr command doesn't work on the Mac. Even though Mac
VBA help includes vbNormal and vbHidden as two of GetAttr's valid constants,
VBA doesn't actually change an invisible file to a visible one. So you can't
delete a folder!
Attempting to report this bug to Microsoft resulted (once more!) in a
request for $245 for Advanced Support. Thanks Bill!
BTW, if you're ever trying to delete a folder created by Office installation
on Windows, you can do it with the above GetAttr-Kill-RmDir series, as each
MS folder contains a hidden, read-only file called mscreate.dir that must
made visible and deleted.
John Korchok
Word Lab Systems, Inc.
work. This is because each Mac folder contains a hidden file called "Icon".
RmDir doesn't work on folders that contain files, so your next step might be
to use Kill to delete the hidden file. Of course, Kill, doesn't work on
hidden files, so first you have to change it to a normal file using GetAttr
with the vbNormal constant.
Unfortunately, the GetAttr command doesn't work on the Mac. Even though Mac
VBA help includes vbNormal and vbHidden as two of GetAttr's valid constants,
VBA doesn't actually change an invisible file to a visible one. So you can't
delete a folder!
Attempting to report this bug to Microsoft resulted (once more!) in a
request for $245 for Advanced Support. Thanks Bill!
BTW, if you're ever trying to delete a folder created by Office installation
on Windows, you can do it with the above GetAttr-Kill-RmDir series, as each
MS folder contains a hidden, read-only file called mscreate.dir that must
made visible and deleted.
John Korchok
Word Lab Systems, Inc.