Another pop-up /thumbnail question...


Steel Bananana

I run an online body jewelry business. I mainly sell on e-bay, but am
getting a website rolling. I've got myself the domain, the hosting service,
the shopping cart service, and am accepting payments with paypal. (Please
feel free to let me know what you think of the site!
The site is a MAJOR work in progress, and in the past month, have taught
myself frontpage, access (sort-of), html, and the word "HELP"
Here's the deal: I would like to have a popup initiated by the visitor when
they click on an image of a piece of jewelry. I want the popup to open at a
size of my setting, and include an enlarged image of the piece, a
picture/chart of barbell sizes and ring diameters, and a description of the
materials used in production.
I'm using FP 2002, and am missing so many of the goodies of 2003! I know
that I will have to create the new page, but would the size directions be
embedded in the hyperlink, the new page, or where?
(PLEASE: if you give me tags or html to insert, please tell me where to put
it. I don't always understand, and most of the time when I try to put in
what you all recommend, it's a disaster!!!)

PS: If you see anything you like, contact me through the site, and I'll send
you the 15% discount code for helping me out and taking a look for me. It's
good for life!

Steve Easton

Go to Jimco Addins and download and install the free "Spawn."
It will do exactly what you want.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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