I have 2 tables here:
tblDo tblJobs
------ ---------
QuantityDelivered QtyRequired
JobSheetNo JobSheetNo
tblDo.JobSheetNo is linked to tblJobs.JobSheetNo,
1 JobSheetNo can appear many times in the tblDo(1 to many
Now, I would like to sum up all the quantity delivered in
tblDo in relation to the JobSheetNo.
But some JobSheetNo do not appear in tblDo.
Thus, the records shown are only those of JobSheetNo that
appear in tblDo.I want all the JobSheetNo to appear even
if it doesnt appear in tblDo, and the corresponding qty
delivered beside it.
Any ideas? I am trying to figure it out for a long time.
tblDo tblJobs
------ ---------
QuantityDelivered QtyRequired
JobSheetNo JobSheetNo
tblDo.JobSheetNo is linked to tblJobs.JobSheetNo,
1 JobSheetNo can appear many times in the tblDo(1 to many
Now, I would like to sum up all the quantity delivered in
tblDo in relation to the JobSheetNo.
But some JobSheetNo do not appear in tblDo.
Thus, the records shown are only those of JobSheetNo that
appear in tblDo.I want all the JobSheetNo to appear even
if it doesnt appear in tblDo, and the corresponding qty
delivered beside it.
Any ideas? I am trying to figure it out for a long time.