Another Product Key Question



I have a trial version already pre-installed on my laptop when I purchased it
a few months back. The trial was over (25 times to open the programs) about a
week ago. It would ask for the product key if you wanted to convert the full
version so I went to the store and bought Microsoft Office Home & Student and
did not insert the CD but typed in the product key.

Question: Since I entered the product key and did not insert the CD does
that mean I have already used one of the three times for the program. Or is
it that you can use the CD three times? Thanks in advance.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Yes, using the retail product key to convert your trial software counts
as using one of the three installations.


Thank you for your quick answer. I do not think I have everything on my
computer that is in the Microsoft Office Home & Student version so if I
insert the CD to download everything, will inserting the CD & downloading
count as another one of the three uses? And if I insert the CD will it ask
for the product key again?

Another Brian

If you are putting the CD into the same computer, it does not count as
another install and it shouldn't ask for the product key again. It
probably will autostart and ask if your want to repair, change or
uninstall, but you can just say exit or change what is installed.



The three 'uses' are for use on three PC's not three installs
So if its installed on three PC's you can uninstall / reinstall to your
hearts content providing its not installed on more than three PC's

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