

Rob Schneider said:
- What is a "hyperlink" between tasks?

If you work with a big project containing many *.mpp files and each
including ca 100 tasks or more and you want give an account of a group
of project e.g. show tasks nr 1-37 on gantt chart in file first.mpp
and then jump via hyperlink and continue in e.g. file second.mpp from
task 53-91 on gantt chart and so on thru all other files. What we mean
here is not to show the whole gantt chart but from a specified point
on the chart of hyperlinked file.
BTW is it possible to co-operate or to merge two different *.mpp files
from two developers into one project?
- Please elaborate on what "dynamic scrolling" would be. (setting what
you want in the Timescale doesn't work?)

All MS OFFICE programs has a very bad scroll behaviour. If you click
on scrollbar and try to move up or down the window will not respons
until you release the cursor. The result is only a shaky movement on
the screen.
A mouse with the sroll-wheel is not better at all, it jumps 2(two)
up or down.
- Please elaborate on "selection synchronisation"? What exactly is that?

If you click any item on gantt chart so the project window will show
simultaneously a highlighted corresponding task. Now, if you have ca
300 tasks and you select e.g. task nr 155 from the project window then
you will not be able to recognize which item is selected on gantt
chart without a scrolling which is really bad, see above! In our
opinion the gantt chart shuold be
highlighted too.
- Did you look in "Help" to see the articles "Project Map" and
"Tutorial". Regaring additional learning resouces, I would recommend
you see the list at

All these methods you've recommended it's only a shame and time
It took 2 min at very fast Internet connection to contact Microsoft
support site only in one question and it can be worse in the future.
Help files remind troubleshooting files & are useful only in this
It's a cheat and great scandal that MICROSOFT sells expensive step by
step ebooks by own MICROSOFT Press.
Would you like to buy a car or any other high-tech product without
user manual?
And can you imagine 23 (over twenty!) years on the market 1981-2004
(C)Microsoft with such poor software development? MS SOLITAIRE seems
to be the only successfull product from MICROSOFT!

That's why I'm calling MS PROJECT 2003 PRO another rubbish from

Best regards


I read your earlier post

Using MS Project is not compulsory. There are a number of alternative project management applications available, and many of us use more than one. This forum is for those endeavouring to learn or willing to teach. You appear to want a different debate that will not make your use of MS Project any better

One final point, many people posting here do so in their spare time. If you have a question or require assistance show the same goodwill

Cheers - Vers

Steve House

See embedded...

Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs

MacLukas said:

If you work with a big project containing many *.mpp files and each
including ca 100 tasks or more and you want give an account of a group
of project e.g. show tasks nr 1-37 on gantt chart in file first.mpp
and then jump via hyperlink and continue in e.g. file second.mpp from
task 53-91 on gantt chart and so on thru all other files. What we mean
here is not to show the whole gantt chart but from a specified point
on the chart of hyperlinked file.

You can hyperlink to open another project file but you are correct, you
can't hyperlink to a specific bookmarked task in the other file. That being
said I'm not sure why you NEED to jump to a specific task in the target
file. If the WBS is done properly, each file is an integrated whole,
complete in itself. You can have external dependencies where a task in
Project A is linked either as a predecessor or successor to a task in
Project B. Won't using inserted projects and/or external dependencies
accomplish what you need? If you have a consolidation file you can always
expend each inserted project to see its detail or collapse it to hid the
BTW is it possible to co-operate or to merge two different *.mpp files
from two developers into one project?

From the menu, Insert Project

All MS OFFICE programs has a very bad scroll behaviour. If you click
on scrollbar and try to move up or down the window will not respons
until you release the cursor. The result is only a shaky movement on
the screen.
A mouse with the sroll-wheel is not better at all, it jumps 2(two)
up or down.

Gee, my wheel mouse has an adjustable scroll rate. And the scroll bar on
the right has a tool tip box that shows the task and ID I've scrolled to.

If you click any item on gantt chart so the project window will show
simultaneously a highlighted corresponding task. Now, if you have ca
300 tasks and you select e.g. task nr 155 from the project window then
you will not be able to recognize which item is selected on gantt
chart without a scrolling which is really bad, see above! In our
opinion the gantt chart shuold be
highlighted too.

All these methods you've recommended it's only a shame and time
It took 2 min at very fast Internet connection to contact Microsoft
support site only in one question and it can be worse in the future.
Help files remind troubleshooting files & are useful only in this
It's a cheat and great scandal that MICROSOFT sells expensive step by
step ebooks by own MICROSOFT Press.
Would you like to buy a car or any other high-tech product without
user manual?

You HAVE a user manual. It's called the online help and is installed with
the product. In my experience, the online help files are far more detailed
and far easier to navigate and find relevant information in than the
old-fashioned paper manuals were back in the 80's which were largely lists
of what button to push. Granted, you may need to disable that silly Office
Assistant but once you do you have the full manual right at your fingertips.
What it doesn't do is teach you Project Management but then a word processor
manual doesn't teach you to be a professional writer nor a spreadsheet's
manual teach you accounting theory and practices either. MS Project rightly
assumes you already know and practice formal project management as via
Critical Path and/or PERT methodolgies and as outlined in the PMBOK which is
the ANSI standard documentation of professional PM practices in North

Mike Glen

Hi M,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

All MS Office programs work the same and have excellent scrolling facilities
:) Try click and drag on the scroll button - you'll find it very smooth!
The trouble with computer programs is that you have to learn how to use them
to get the best out of them. :(

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Then don't use it and find some other product that works for you. Many
others out there (including myself) find quite a bit of value in MS
Project. I also had some instruction in how to use it, so I avoided
quite a bit of frustration, apparently. Most of the functionality
works just fine for me and my business processes.


Rod Gill


Try adding #22 at the end of the hyperlink and Project jumps to Task 22 in
the target file if its Project or Slide 22 if its PowerPoint and so on.

Scrolling works fine on my PC and when you use the wheel on a mouse then
it's configurable how many lines it scrolls (RTFM - or in this case Help!!)

For VBA posts, please use the public.project.developer group.
For any version of Project use public.project
For any version of Project Server use public. project.server

Rod Gill
Project MVP
For Microsoft Project companion projects, best practices and Project VBA
development services



Thank you very much!
I've visited this site and I think it's very useful, comprehesive and funny!

Best regards



Thank you very much indeed for your substantial contribution!
However I do not agree with you on some points:
- Scroll-bar button (not arrows!) is unuseful because if you click on
it and
try to move up or down the window will not respons until you release
the cursor
and you can land outside your project- compare to MS WORD, NotePAD
- UNDO can back only one(!) step - compare to MS WORD or AutoCAD, it
can back to
the begining.
- GUI is awful, square with one-way synopsis beteen gantt chart and
task panel,
no highlighted bookmarks on gantt chart - compare to MS EXCEL or
- GUI for PERT chart is good-for-nothing a total scramble of diagrams,
We had to buy two applcation WBS Chart PRO & PERT Chart Expert from
Critical Tools.
- Previous MS stuff came with paper books Which are always very handy,
fastest in
comparison and not wasting computers preformance and it is after all
tests here
ten times faster to get any information than connection to MS Support
site(who is old-fashined here?).
- Later on we got built-in help-files and learning assistance with
video-clips on CD
- Now we get an url address with the hope for good and fast
connection. But did you
ever think about virus attacks. Last year our company was forced to
shutdown Internet
within three days. Three thousand people with no way out in the most
computerized country
in the world! It will be worse in the future even if we have 1MByte/s
therefore we had to fix some helpfiles MS Project 2003 Step-by-step &
which should be supplied free by MS.
MS Project is like an elephant in china shop everything is unsecure
and nothing
can be undone.

Best regards

Steve House

You won't land outside your project if you watch the tool tip on your
mouse which shows the task number and name that you have currently
scrolled to.

FYI, the URL I think you are referencing is the MVP website which is not
from Microsoft. The other MVPs and myself are not MS employees or

Just why do you think MS should provide Step by Step and Inside Out for
free? How about a copy of the PMBOK as well? There's an excellent
tutorial bundled with Project, the Knowledge Base for tech support is
open to all, the help files are quite thorough if one takes the time to
look thru them. I for one prefer references in electronic form rather
than paper. Does Lotus or Wordperfect or Linux provide such printed
desktop references? Nope, nope, and nope.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

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