Another setup failure Chained install return code: 1603


David Sherman

I can't install OneNote om a machine.

I get an this error message: Chained install return code: 1603

I have unregister msiexec and re-registed it. Failure again.;en-us;884290&spid=2514&sid=247
was of no help

I was chaining application setup so I don't understand the chained

Is there any way to correct this error?


Detected Windows Info:
PlatformId = 2
MajorVersion = 5
MinorVersion = 1
ServicePackLevel = 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Launch Setup
1/24/2006 1:13:51 PM
Setup path: D:\install\onenote\SETUP.EXE
Trying to get version of
D:\install\onenote\SETUP.EXE is version 11.0.6127.0
Current version of Setup.exe: 11.0.6127.0
Searching for .INI file: SETUP.INI
Settings file located: D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI
GetTempPath returned: c:\temp\
Setup has detected a previously failed installation - Verbose Logging

Reading settings file
Located: D:\install\onenote\ONOTE11N.MSI
Package to install: D:\install\onenote\ONOTE11N.MSI
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Product\SkipLangCheck" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Product\CheckUpdates" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Product {91A10409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9} is not installed for
the user.
Checking for Windows Installer....
... succeeded.
Checking for any beta version of the product.
dwNoLtCoExist = 0
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\CacheOnly" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\RemoveCacheOnly" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\EnforceCache" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
General properties added: LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP="1"

Writing Task: Main - Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe
CmdLine: /I D:\install\onenote\ONOTE11N.MSI LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP="1"

Looking for setup tasks to process.
1/24/2006 1:13:52 PM WaitForMsiExecDone...
1/24/2006 1:13:52 PM WaitForMsiExecDone exits
Verifying install package is available
Reading from "D:\install\onenote\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)
Value: 0
DWSETUPLOGFILE="c:\temp\Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 Setup(0015).txt"
DWMSILOGFILE="c:\temp\Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
Command Line Logging Parameters: /lpiwaeov "c:\temp\Microsoft Office
OneNote 2003 Setup(0015)_Task(0001).txt" LOGVERBOSE=1
1/24/2006 1:13:52 PM
Executing Task:
Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe" /I D:\install\onenote\ONOTE11N.MSI
SETUPEXENAME="SETUP.EXE" /lpiwaeov "c:\temp\Microsoft Office OneNote
2003 Setup(0015)_Task(0001).txt" LOGVERBOSE=1
DWSETUPLOGFILE="c:\temp\Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 Setup(0015).txt"
DWMSILOGFILE="c:\temp\Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
Type: msi
Ignore Return Values: False
Reboot: False

Successfully launched MsiExec....
1/24/2006 1:14:47 PM Chained install return code: 1603

Exit code was an error.
Shutting down chained setup processing.
Set Verbose logging for subsequent setup.

***** Setup exits
1/24/2006 1:14:47 PM
(return = 1603)

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