Another SUMPRODUCT Question



Not certain whether this can be done. What I am trying to do is count the
No of Accounts, the report could have many rows of the same Account No and I
only want to count it once. Would this be better done as a Pivot and link
back to that.

This is what I have
REPORT'!$D$2:$D$2768=$C$3),--('DISPUTES REPORT'!$E$2:$E$2768=$D$3)*('DISPUTES
Thank you in advance

T. Valko

You need to be more specific.

Do you want to count unique account numbers that meet certain conditions?
OK, so where are the account numbers and what are the conditions?

C2:C2768=B3, what's in C and what's in B3?
D2:D2768=C3, what's in D and what's in C3?
E2:E2768=D3, what's in E and what's in D3?

N2:N2768>0, that one's self explanatory!


Thank you for your help in this, but what I really require is the answer to
be 1. Maybe it is a big ask for Excel.


T. Valko

what I really require is the answer to be 1.

Can you explain how you arrive at that result?

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