Randall Rosenbaum

I use a USB drive and "Briefcase" to keep my OneNote files on my home
computer sync'ed with my desktop at work. Usually I have no problems, but
being occasionally forgetful, I sometimes forget to copy my files into my
"Briefcase" before I go home at night.

I will sometimes need to make notes at home that I want copied into my
desktop at work. Is there a clean way of creating a new page on OneNote at
home and then moving it onto my OneNote at work? I'm afraid I'll lose stuff
at work if my Briefcase hasn't been completely updated before I add stuff.

Thanks for your help.


Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

I use a USB drive and "Briefcase" to keep my OneNote files on my home
computer sync'ed with my desktop at work. Usually I have no problems, but
being occasionally forgetful, I sometimes forget to copy my files into my
"Briefcase" before I go home at night.

I will sometimes need to make notes at home that I want copied into my
desktop at work. Is there a clean way of creating a new page on OneNote at
home and then moving it onto my OneNote at work? I'm afraid I'll lose stuff
at work if my Briefcase hasn't been completely updated before I add stuff.

Thanks for your help.



I keep SideNotes basically empty. If you keep information long term in this may not work or be so convenient.

One simple approach is to create material in separate/new pages in
Side Notes at home. Take those to work with you (assuming you didn't
forget the USB drive too) then cut/paste pages (or text if that is
more convenient) from SideNotes to the appropriate places in your
office desktop machine when you get to work.

You can select all text on a OneNote page by hitting Ctrl+A three
times. Ctrl+C copies, Ctrl+X cuts. Then Ctrl+V to paste into the
target page.

That should work. If you have large volumes of data finding the
section/page to paste into can be cumbersome though.

Editing and reconciling pages is a tougher/more fiddly proposition.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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