On my speedsheet I have two worksheets A and B
Column J2:J528 entitled -1st RCVD Date-
In this column I will have a variety of dates spanning over three
diffferent months
Column N21 titled -# of Persons-
Column L22:L29 is titled -Weeks- - Each row is broken down by week
L22/8/17/05, L23 8/24/05. L24 8/31/05, etc to L29 10/5/05
In Worksheet Column J each date corresponds with a person. What I want
to do is get a count of dates/persons that occur during a set perid of
time, which is one week. The difficulty comes in, in that the column J
where the dates are entered span three different months. But I want to
break that down into weekly cohorts.
So for example if in *Worksheet B* in cell J2 I have a date that lies
between 8/17/05 and 8/23/05 then the number 1 would show up on
*Workseet A* in -#of persons- in the row for that corresponding week.
Say the next week I have 6 entires of dates that land in that next week
then the number 6 would show up on worksheet A on the row for 8/24/05.
And so on.
So the question is how do I add up dates within a certain range in the
same column and then break that down by week to be reported on a
different worksheet by week.
Here is roughly what my spreadsheet looks like
22 [8/17/05]
23 [8/24/05]
Column J2:J528 entitled -1st RCVD Date-
In this column I will have a variety of dates spanning over three
diffferent months
Column N21 titled -# of Persons-
Column L22:L29 is titled -Weeks- - Each row is broken down by week
L22/8/17/05, L23 8/24/05. L24 8/31/05, etc to L29 10/5/05
In Worksheet Column J each date corresponds with a person. What I want
to do is get a count of dates/persons that occur during a set perid of
time, which is one week. The difficulty comes in, in that the column J
where the dates are entered span three different months. But I want to
break that down into weekly cohorts.
So for example if in *Worksheet B* in cell J2 I have a date that lies
between 8/17/05 and 8/23/05 then the number 1 would show up on
*Workseet A* in -#of persons- in the row for that corresponding week.
Say the next week I have 6 entires of dates that land in that next week
then the number 6 would show up on worksheet A on the row for 8/24/05.
And so on.
So the question is how do I add up dates within a certain range in the
same column and then break that down by week to be reported on a
different worksheet by week.
Here is roughly what my spreadsheet looks like
22 [8/17/05]
23 [8/24/05]