I really appreciate any suggestions anyone may have. I think I have looked
at it too many times to decipher what I am doing wrong.
The goal of this macro is to automate entry of predecessors and lag time.
I want it to ask the user what the predecessor is, what the lag time is, and
to input the information into task information.
Here is my code:
Sub TWEAKLag_Lead()
Dim getpredecessor As Integer
Dim getlag As Single
Dim t As Task
getpredecessor = InputBox("Enter predecessor.")
getlag = InputBox("Enter Lag Time (+) or Lead Time (-)")
SelectRow Row:=0
SetTaskField Field:="Predecessors", Value:="getpredecessor,SS,getlag,w",
End Sub
When I run this macro, there are no errors, but all it does is correctly
input the predecessor. it won't change SS, FS, etc, OR lag time.
at it too many times to decipher what I am doing wrong.
The goal of this macro is to automate entry of predecessors and lag time.
I want it to ask the user what the predecessor is, what the lag time is, and
to input the information into task information.
Here is my code:
Sub TWEAKLag_Lead()
Dim getpredecessor As Integer
Dim getlag As Single
Dim t As Task
getpredecessor = InputBox("Enter predecessor.")
getlag = InputBox("Enter Lag Time (+) or Lead Time (-)")
SelectRow Row:=0
SetTaskField Field:="Predecessors", Value:="getpredecessor,SS,getlag,w",
End Sub
When I run this macro, there are no errors, but all it does is correctly
input the predecessor. it won't change SS, FS, etc, OR lag time.