Another winmail.dat problem.



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I have a mixed network of Macs and PCs.

There is an Outlook 2007 user that can send attachments in HTML messages to all the Macs except one - the one running Leopard. The Leopard client, which is running a fully updated Office 2004 always receives them as winmail.dat files.

If I create a new message addressed to multiple recipients on Macs running Office 2004, and attach a file, the one running Leopard receives it as a winmail.dat file. The Tiger users receive it as a proper attachment.

In my googling I found an article that mentions that the contact in the sender's Outlook 2007 is set to receive Rich Text attachments. But I am unable to locate that item to change in the Address Book.

Any insight anyone can offer?


Gary Smith

Barry Wainwright

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I have a mixed network of Macs and PCs.

There is an Outlook 2007 user that can send attachments in HTML messages to all the Macs except one - the one running Leopard. The Leopard client, which is running a fully updated Office 2004 always receives them as winmail.dat files.

If I create a new message addressed to multiple recipients on Macs running Office 2004, and attach a file, the one running Leopard receives it as a winmail.dat file. The Tiger users receive it as a proper attachment.

In my googling I found an article that mentions that the contact in the sender's Outlook 2007 is set to receive Rich Text attachments. But I am unable to locate that item to change in the Address Book.

Any insight anyone can offer?


Gary Smith

from the Outlook 2007 Help:

Change the message format for all messages sent to a specified Internet

Open the contact card for the recipient.
In the E-mail box, double-click the recipient's e-mail address.
In the Internet Format list, select the format that you want to use for
messages to this recipient.

Note You can change the format for only the messages sent to a
contact with an SMTP e-mail address. An SMTP e-mail address contains the
@ symbol — for example, (e-mail address removed). If you are using an
Exchange account and sending to another person in your organization who
is also using an Exchange account, this feature is not available.

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