
I can use the One Way ANOVA fine. The TWO WAY either comes up with weird
results or does not accept the number of rows I enter.

If I have a table with 10 rows and 2 cols and I select that region using the
ANOVA addin and enter 5 for rows, I get an error saying that I must have
equal number of rows.

I am using a data set that works ok in another environment.

This is with Excel 2003.

Mike Middleton

KarlsOne -

(1) If you have "a data set that works ok in another environment," why not
just use that environment?

(2) If you browse to and search for "excel two-factor anova
with replication" (without the quotes), you'll see Knowledge Base article

which shows how the data needs to be arranged.

(3) If all else fails, use, or refer to Ch. 13 of my book, Data
Analysis Using Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office XP.

All of the data analysis tools have been essentially unchanged in all
versions of Excel.

- Mike



Thanks for your prompt and very helpfull response. I (way back) did this
type of calculation by writing a basic program, but recently, was asked by a
student to answer why the excel addin didn't work. Volunteering to help, but
not being familiar with the addins, I tried one way anova and it worked fine,
but the two way didn't. Your response sent me the the MS support item (which
I had not come up with during my google or MS community search. This was
exactly what I needed as it pointed out the use of Labels, which I never
encountered in the Excel help. After putting the labels as indicated, all
worked out just fine. I will send your reference book info to them.

Thanks again and Best Regards,


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