anti-aliased Excel Charts in Powerpoint Printouts



If you print a chart from Excel 2003, it is anti-aliased and look fine in
print. But no matter how you paste in into Powerpoint, printed Excel charts
from Powerpoint are not anti-aliased.

Has anyone come across this before (it is easy to replicate) and is there a
fix? Has Powerpoint not been updated for anti-aliasing like Excel has?

Thank you for your assistance.


TAJ Simmons


Since powerpoint 2002 powerpoint will anti-alias vector graphics. But, only
if the graphics are ungrouped in powerpoint (you can re-group them again) to
make them powerpoint objects.

TAJ Simmons
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Thank you both.

These are pie charts, yes, as per the old "jaggies" thread. Normal, not
expanded. But I will see if they can be ungrouped. I doubt it: straight out
of Excel.


Hey Steve,

That is strange. The EMF seems to work but I had definitely tried it before.
I had laid all 3 paste options side by side on one PPT slide and all looked
lame. I am not sure what combination of other options helped (print at
printer resolution and not scaling graphics) but this seems to look much
better. Thanks a lot.

I would still be interested in hearing about why the native Excel format
cannot be carried forward automatically to PPT in anti-aliased print, but I
seem to have a fix here!



well, not so weird really. Basically, PPT prints wysiwig. I'll tell you what
else I have notices. Earlier, I told you that having used the emf and tweaked
a couple of options, I finally got to9 print out without jaggies. But then, I
tried the same printout with a simple copy/paste and a wmf paste and you know
what? They all printed out fine from the same page!

So now, instead of all printing out badly, they all print out great. I am

For reference, although I thought I had tried all combinations yesterday and
I couldn;t get a decent result, what seems to work today is simply not
scaling to fit and printing at the printer's resolution in the options. I
could have sworn I tried all of those yesterday so I am not sure what made
the difference.

Nice week end everyone.


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