Anti-Virus Program Deleted VBA codes from Personal.xls



My anti-virus program deleted all VBA codes from Personal.xls.

Anyway that I can recover the Codes somehow?

Gord Dibben

I don't think your code has been deleted.

Perhaps Personal.xls has been disabled.

Help>About MS Excel>Disabled Items.

Is Personal.xls on the list?

Can you Enable it?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


No, Just the VBA codes been deleted and all modules disappeared.

Seems that only Personal.Xls is affected; VBA in other Excel Wookbook
seems intact.

Gord Dibben

Personal.xls opens but when you go into VBE and expand, there are no modules at

If the AV application did do this then I would suggest you better have a backup
copy of Personal.xls you can replace the altered Personal.xls with.

I never heard of an AV app'n doing this.

Are you sure the correct Personal.xls is opening?


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