Any good books?




I borrowed this from my post elsewhere:

I purchased this book recently. It is now one of my
favorite programming books.

Title: Learn Microsoft Excel 2002 VBA Programming with XML
and ASP
Author: Julitta Korol
Publisher: Wordware Publishing Inc (


Definitely for us Excel VBA programming newbies. A
tutorial, hands-on style. NOT a reference book.
Introduction to all kinds of basic programming

From the site:

- Quickly learn how to program by utilizing the built-in
macro recorder.

- Add decision making and repetition to your procedures.

- Control other applications from within Excel through

- Create and customize user forms, menus, and toolbars.

- Learn how to handle errors and debug your programs by
using built-in debugging tools.

- Perform Microsoft Access tasks from within Excel.

- Discover how to put Excel data on a web page and
retrieve data from the web into an Excel worksheet.

- Work with Excel spreadsheets saved in XML format.

- Program special features such as the Microsoft Office XP
PivotTable and PivotChart web components.

- Learn how to use a number of objects from the Excel 2002
and Office XP Object Models.

I can't recommend it highly enough for us newbies.


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