Any HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEEEZE



do you have a specific question to a particular question or is it still the
entire issue?


Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " & [From].
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query to remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select distinct [Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from] isn't getting updated.
If it is, this won't work


Here is the original messages:

Subject: Combine Data~Still Need Help
From: "Ohio5" <[email protected]> Sent:
4/13/2004 6:03:51 PM

Below is the entire string from my first message and the
response from Albert, I am having such a hard time with
this and I don't know why. Any help would be appreciated.

Subject: Re: Combine data
From: "Ohio5" <[email protected]> Sent:
4/12/2004 11:13:31 AM

Few questions, I am trying to follow what you are doing
and not sure that I am following completed. The
following SQL works good for the update. Is there a way
that once the data has been updated to delete from the
first table to eliminate duplication. The code that you
referred to that goes in a module and if I understand you
are calling that the coolquery?


UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " & [From].
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));


You are the bomb that works, now I am working on the
append query. It should be an append query not a select
query correct?

-----Original Message-----
Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " & [From].
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query to remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select distinct [Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from] isn't getting updated.
If it is, this won't work

Ohio5 said:
See Subject:Combine Data~Still Need Help from 4/13/04'

I really need help on this



Have an issue. All the IDs that existed I concatenated
the journals and then deleted them, but now in the from
table I have one id multiple times but it does not exist
in the Final table so I can not append because it
violates the primary key.

Still need help~
-----Original Message-----
You are the bomb that works, now I am working on the
append query. It should be an append query not a select
query correct?

-----Original Message-----
Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " & [From].
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query
remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select
[Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from]
getting updated.
If it is, this won't work



If you put the ID record without the journal & comment into the Final table
and then re-run the update query, the final table should be updated with
each comment from the From table

OHIO5 said:
Have an issue. All the IDs that existed I concatenated
the journals and then deleted them, but now in the from
table I have one id multiple times but it does not exist
in the Final table so I can not append because it
violates the primary key.

Still need help~
-----Original Message-----
You are the bomb that works, now I am working on the
append query. It should be an append query not a select
query correct?

-----Original Message-----
Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " & [From].
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query
remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select
[Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from]
getting updated.
If it is, this won't work

See Subject:Combine Data~Still Need Help from 4/13/04'

I really need help on this



UPDATE Final RIGHT JOIN [From] ON Final.ID = From.ID SET
[From].ID = [Final]![ID];

The above is what I was trying to run and it says that my
records will update but when I open the table the records
were not added.

-----Original Message-----
If you put the ID record without the journal & comment into the Final table
and then re-run the update query, the final table should be updated with
each comment from the From table

OHIO5 said:
Have an issue. All the IDs that existed I concatenated
the journals and then deleted them, but now in the from
table I have one id multiple times but it does not exist
in the Final table so I can not append because it
violates the primary key.

Still need help~
-----Original Message-----
You are the bomb that works, now I am working on the
append query. It should be an append query not a select
query correct?

-----Original Message-----
Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " & [From].
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query to
remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select distinct
[Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the
remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from] isn't
getting updated.
If it is, this won't work

See Subject:Combine Data~Still Need Help from 4/13/04'

I really need help on this




John Vinson

UPDATE Final RIGHT JOIN [From] ON Final.ID = From.ID SET
[From].ID = [Final]![ID];

The above is what I was trying to run and it says that my
records will update but when I open the table the records
were not added.

From is a reserved word (for the FROM clause of a SQL query) - does
changing the tablename make any difference?

John Spencer (MVP)

ON Final.ID = [From].ID
SET [From].ID = [Final].[ID];

I'm not sure that you can do this. You are joining on the same field you are
attempting to update. Also, I would be consistent in referencing fields. Your
example code is not - sometimes brackets, sometimes . vs !

As I said in the first place, I'm not sure this will work because you use the
field you are trying to update in the join clause.

Right now, I don't have time to test that belief, but I thought I would at least
raise the issue.
UPDATE Final RIGHT JOIN [From] ON Final.ID = From.ID SET
[From].ID = [Final]![ID];

The above is what I was trying to run and it says that my
records will update but when I open the table the records
were not added.
-----Original Message-----
If you put the ID record without the journal & comment into the Final table
and then re-run the update query, the final table should be updated with
each comment from the From table

OHIO5 said:
Have an issue. All the IDs that existed I concatenated
the journals and then deleted them, but now in the from
table I have one id multiple times but it does not exist
in the Final table so I can not append because it
violates the primary key.

Still need help~
-----Original Message-----
You are the bomb that works, now I am working on the
append query. It should be an append query not a select
query correct?

-----Original Message-----
Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " &
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query
remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select
[Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the
remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from]
getting updated.
If it is, this won't work

See Subject:Combine Data~Still Need Help from 4/13/04'

I really need help on this





THE ORDER OF THE SET. This works perfectly for what I
need now, because by just putting the IDs in the table I
can then go back and run my update and I get no
duplication it is absolutely perfect. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
-----Original Message-----

ON Final.ID = [From].ID
SET [From].ID = [Final].[ID];

I'm not sure that you can do this. You are joining on the same field you are
attempting to update. Also, I would be consistent in referencing fields. Your
example code is not - sometimes brackets, sometimes . vs !

As I said in the first place, I'm not sure this will work because you use the
field you are trying to update in the join clause.

Right now, I don't have time to test that belief, but I thought I would at least
raise the issue.
UPDATE Final RIGHT JOIN [From] ON Final.ID = From.ID SET
[From].ID = [Final]![ID];

The above is what I was trying to run and it says that my
records will update but when I open the table the records
were not added.
-----Original Message-----
If you put the ID record without the journal & comment into the Final table
and then re-run the update query, the final table
be updated with
each comment from the From table

Have an issue. All the IDs that existed I concatenated
the journals and then deleted them, but now in the from
table I have one id multiple times but it does not exist
in the Final table so I can not append because it
violates the primary key.

Still need help~
-----Original Message-----
You are the bomb that works, now I am working on the
append query. It should be an append query not a select
query correct?

-----Original Message-----
Run this query to update existing
UPDATE Final INNER JOIN [From] ON [Final].[ID] = [From].
[ID] SET Final.Journal = [Final].[Comment]+": " &
[JournalDate] &"- "& [From].[Comment]
WHERE (((From.Comment) Is Not Null));

Run this query after you have run alberts update query
remove dups:
delete from [From] where [From].[ID] in (select
[Final].[ID] from

You can then do an insert statement into final on the
remainder and then
another delete from [From] to remove all the rest.

This assumes that while you are doing this, [from]
getting updated.
If it is, this won't work

See Subject:Combine Data~Still Need Help from 4/13/04'

I really need help on this




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