any link or formula to count cells with same color



To anyone helpful,
i have been trapped by a long formulation in order to list down series of
numbers. Yet due to conditional formatting with If(or conditions, the cells
has been provided with colors. My boss like me to count all the green ones
and the red ones in a single fire.

Please help me to count this long list of varying colored cells. My boss had
made an if formula on all the cells and he can instantly, change all the
colors in a single stroke.

anybody, please just try one shot'
happy holidays


thanks a lot for the UDF author and to you Gary''s Student

My boss allowed me to change his conditional formatting into a simple "cell
value is" with some helper columns and rows, after some debate, yet we won
for this case, the currently availed UDF ColorOfCf is magnificent....

I had solve together with the forum, this hair loosing problem from my pushy
yet 2 more are still unsolved and they are discussed on my other post. Maybe
tomorrow but not next year, if i am still working here.

more power

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