We are concerned that a photo or other graphic can be lifted from a report
and passed around via email or other documents until it's lost all
connection with the original information. Is it possible to add identifying
data to a photo or other graphic: "This photo shows what happens when the
new and improved widget is used in this manner. Photo taken by Ed on 23 Jan
07." in such a way that it's not intrusive or visible, and will stay with
the graphic even when saved or copied out of the original document?
and passed around via email or other documents until it's lost all
connection with the original information. Is it possible to add identifying
data to a photo or other graphic: "This photo shows what happens when the
new and improved widget is used in this manner. Photo taken by Ed on 23 Jan
07." in such a way that it's not intrusive or visible, and will stay with
the graphic even when saved or copied out of the original document?