Apologize if this is not the proper place to for this type of post. But I
think I should be able to find some qualified resource here. I am working in
a big client using MS project server 2003 for managing the project, and we
have a need to bring a subcontractor that can query the necessary data out
for us. For example, I will need to query the start date, completion
percentage of a certain task that already built into the project.
If someone interested, drop me a note with your contact info at
(e-mail address removed). The client is in Minneapolis, but I am open to qualified
resource that is willing to travel.
think I should be able to find some qualified resource here. I am working in
a big client using MS project server 2003 for managing the project, and we
have a need to bring a subcontractor that can query the necessary data out
for us. For example, I will need to query the start date, completion
percentage of a certain task that already built into the project.
If someone interested, drop me a note with your contact info at
(e-mail address removed). The client is in Minneapolis, but I am open to qualified
resource that is willing to travel.