Any quick general tips on troubleshooting overall Outlook slowness



My Outlook recently slowwed down substantially for all actions that I've
tried recently. It really isn't a specific issue (I cam here with a specific
problem and answered it myself with other replies so I thought I'd take
advantage of a Saturday work night to be educated about something that
affects my overall life by 20 minutes or more per day.

- For over a year, it's always taken about 2-3 minutes to open the whole
program, but maybe that's fixable.

- I definitely have too many emails in my inbox (3000-plus now...unusualkly
high because I'm too busy to file and delete)...I actually don't know how to
measure that in MB (another question to you if convenient and fast to
answer...I will try Help...) but why would it slow down significantly from
its previous speed at 1500-plus and 2000-plus, etc.? Is that the main answer
to my troubles, though?

- I saw that I should possibly Detect and Repair in another reply...I will
look for that function and reply to myself I can't find it.

Any other insights would be much appreciated...not only by me, I think...but
many future novices (Nothing on the subject in the general Help menu that you
connect to from Outlook that I could find...though I may not know thwe right

Thanks in advance to you all!

Dan Merrick

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

- For over a year, it's always taken about 2-3 minutes to open the whole
program, but maybe that's fixable.

Not really - it depends on the version though. Slowness on open is generally
related to outlook not closing properly - often because a pda or other app
is keeping outlook open.
- I definitely have too many emails in my inbox (3000-plus now...unusually
high because I'm too busy to file and delete)...I actually don't know how
measure that in MB (another question to you if convenient and fast to
answer...I will try Help...) but why would it slow down significantly from
its previous speed at 1500-plus and 2000-plus, etc.? Is that the main
to my troubles, though?

3000 really isn't too many but it also depends on the type of account.
Exchange in online mode, it should be ok until you hit about 5000 then will
slow down. If the network is slow, fewer mails per folder is better. IMAP:
same as exchange. POP: 5000 easily. Ram and processor speed is also
- I saw that I should possibly Detect and Repair in another reply...I will
look for that function and reply to myself I can't find it.

It can't hurt. In ol2003, it's on the help menu... or look for it on the
entry in add/remove programs applet - choose the option to change, not
uninstall. :)

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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I just wrote a long reply...but it got wiped out because I evidently wasn't
signed ib in...I must remeber to copy notes while online!..

I wrote, basically, my Outlook 2003 now won't complete any action at all,
including Help dropdown. to try Detect & Repair...a MS message says I'm low
on virtual memory...will Re-Start the whole thing and check all, including
your website, book purchase option and whatever else you're so kind to
offer...when I get my PC back...

Thanks again,


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