When "Account" is created in BCM, which in most cases is name of a company,
Outlook (or BCM?) internally divide this account name into "First" and "Last"
name, so for example "Great Shoes Co., Ltd." turns into two parts - First
name = "Ltd." and Second name = "Great Shoes Co."
You can see this ugly division when you print your account data of if you
try to sync BCM data with any mobile device supporting syncing with Outlook.
In latter case you get a total mess of "Ltd"s and similar suffixes in address
book of mobile device.
If such handling is an internal glitch of Outlook, may be it's possible at
least to tweak this division so that whole name no matter what commas,
accents, etc. it contains would go to "Second name" only and never divide
into two parts? May be it could be set as global preference for Outlook?
(because I presume BCM is sharing some of Outlook address book behaviour)
Outlook (or BCM?) internally divide this account name into "First" and "Last"
name, so for example "Great Shoes Co., Ltd." turns into two parts - First
name = "Ltd." and Second name = "Great Shoes Co."
You can see this ugly division when you print your account data of if you
try to sync BCM data with any mobile device supporting syncing with Outlook.
In latter case you get a total mess of "Ltd"s and similar suffixes in address
book of mobile device.
If such handling is an internal glitch of Outlook, may be it's possible at
least to tweak this division so that whole name no matter what commas,
accents, etc. it contains would go to "Second name" only and never divide
into two parts? May be it could be set as global preference for Outlook?
(because I presume BCM is sharing some of Outlook address book behaviour)