Any update to "Classic view" in Office 2007?



Has there been any update to this? With luck, "Classic view" will become an
option with the next Service Pack?

C'mon, I wanna get my hopes up. I'm in a new office where I have not only
have no Office 2003, but also no admin priveliges and absolutely positively
no unapproved software. Not even something like Zapgrab, much less a
third-party "Classic UI tab" plugin. I've been using this dang ribbon for 6
weeks now and it's driving me up the wall. :/


JaimeZX said:
Has there been any update to this? With luck, "Classic view" will become
option with the next Service Pack?

C'mon, I wanna get my hopes up. I'm in a new office where I have not only
have no Office 2003, but also no admin priveliges and absolutely
no unapproved software. Not even something like Zapgrab, much less a
third-party "Classic UI tab" plugin. I've been using this dang ribbon for
weeks now and it's driving me up the wall. :/

Well if you haven't discovered where everything that you normally use is in
SIX WEEKS maybe you should get an idiot's guide?


Say, no cause for name calling. ;-)

Just because I know where it all is doesn't mean it's convenient!

What happened to the picture toolbar in PowerPoint? I used to be able to
paste a picture, click on it, click the crop icon, and crop away. Took 2-3
seconds. Now I have to paste, then click the Format tab, *then* crop. Sure,
it only takes an extra second, but it's still extra time. In Word 2007 they
added the text equivalent of the Picture Toolbar, but they took it away from
us in PowerPoint. Go figure.

Also, why did they have to change keystrokes? ALT+F+V = Print Preview,
right? Not anymore. Now it's Save As. So what's ALT+F+A? Also Save As.

Fortunately a lot of keystrokes still work, but then in PowerPoint (again,)
ALT+I+D used to be "Insert Dupicate Slide." Took me about 20 minutes to
figure out that now I have to right click on the slide thumbnail and then
click "duplicate" for the same effect. That's *still* far slower than
ALT+I+D, which literally only took about 1/3 second.

I understand Microsoft's argument that not all the new features would fit in
the old menu bar. Fine, that makes perfect sense to me! I just don't
understand why they didn't make "Classic view - no new features" an *option.*
I'm hoping they'll bring it back, and I know a lot of my co-workers are as
well. A lot of people around here gravitate towards the older computers that
still have Office XP, 2003, (or even 2000!) on them.



JaimeZX said:
Say, no cause for name calling. ;-)

Maybe I should have said "Office for Dummies"? :)
Just because I know where it all is doesn't mean it's convenient!

What happened to the picture toolbar in PowerPoint? I used to be able to
paste a picture, click on it, click the crop icon, and crop away. Took 2-3
seconds. Now I have to paste, then click the Format tab, *then* crop.

Then if you do that a lot, add the Crop command to the QAT. You can do that
for any command - right-click the button in the Ribbon and choose "Add to

Steve Rindsberg

Has there been any update to this? With luck, "Classic view" will become an
option with the next Service Pack?

I wouldn't hold my breath, Jaime. I don't think we'll see the old menu
structure return, ever.


Jim, I fully agree with you. FULL STOP.
I just hope that Linux and OPEN SOURCE / Office alternatives etc will
eventually take over and the M...t will be history.

Bob I

Tell me again about the good old days and the command line interface. I
suspect that things will continue to change, but not in the way you

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