I pasted in a table from a web page. Wanted to to work with the numbers in
the web table, in Excel. Fine! But, it turns out there were also a bunch
of little objects in the web page. Totally small, a few pixels i think.
You don't even see them on the sheet, but i noticed them when mousing over,
and the mouse changed either to the 4-way pointer, or to a pointing hand.
Clear...all does not clear these objects; just clears the cells. So, i
moused [very slowly] around the cell area where i had done the paste, and
one by one, right clicked and deleted each one. Very tedious! Is there a
way to select a cell range, and tell Excel to remove all obejcts on the
sheet in that range?
the web table, in Excel. Fine! But, it turns out there were also a bunch
of little objects in the web page. Totally small, a few pixels i think.
You don't even see them on the sheet, but i noticed them when mousing over,
and the mouse changed either to the 4-way pointer, or to a pointing hand.
Clear...all does not clear these objects; just clears the cells. So, i
moused [very slowly] around the cell area where i had done the paste, and
one by one, right clicked and deleted each one. Very tedious! Is there a
way to select a cell range, and tell Excel to remove all obejcts on the
sheet in that range?