Any Way to Print the "Metadata" in a Word 2000 file?


Ben Alias

I am wondering if there is any way to print out the "metadata" in a
Word 2000 *.doc format file--the information shown when you click File
then Properties from the menu. It would be preferable to me to be
able to print this out as or on a separate page after printing out the

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Not sure if this option is available in Word 2000, but in Word 2002 or
2003 you can click on File | Print | Print what: Document properties | OK.

Ben Alias

Not sure if this option is available in Word 2000, but in Word 2002 or
2003 you can click on File | Print | Print what: Document properties | OK.

Thank you! Yes, there is a Print dialog box that pops up and near the
bottom is "Print what:" next to a drop down scroll box. The default
is "Document" but the drop-down list includes the choices: Document
properties, Comments, Styles, AutoText entries, Key assignment.

I had no idea these things were there or how to access them. This is
exactly what I was looking for. Bravo!



Tom Conrad

The document properties are also available using field codes.
Insert menu, field. Category- document properties.
If you want a custom printout of the document properties, then layout a
document properties page, according to your needs and insert the appropriate
field codes for the desired information.

Tom C

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