Any word repitition software like Textanz available for Word for Mac?



I'm editing a very long document and I am looking for words and
phrases that repeat, and I want to do this in one fell swoop, like
Textanz does. Any way to do this on a Mac?


Hi Nick -

I'm afraid I have no idea what 'Textanz' is nor in the 4+ years I've been
active in this group have I ever seen it mentioned. That suggests that not
too many others here are familiar with it either:)

If you can be more descriptive of what you need to do that Word's Find &
Replace doesn't appear to handle perhaps someone will be able to offer a
suggestion or solution.

It's also a good idea to mention what versions of the OS & software you're
using... What's available/runs on one version may not be available in all.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


CyberTaz said:
I'm afraid I have no idea what 'Textanz' is nor in the 4+ years I've been
active in this group have I ever seen it mentioned. That suggests that not
too many others here are familiar with it either:)

I'm sure most of us are familiar with Google, however... which provided

And it does look pretty useful.


Go to Word, open the document, click "Edit", then click "Find", type in the word or phrase you want to locate, click the check box for "find all ... in document" and select "Find All". That will re-display the doc with each word or phrase shaded.


Go to Word, open the document, click "Edit", then click "Find", type in the
word or phrase you want to locate, click the check box for "find all ... in
document" and select "Find All". That will re-display the doc with each word
or phrase shaded.

That's good if you're aware of a word or phrase you overuse, but often,
we're unaware...


Go to Word, open the document, click "Edit", then click "Find", type in the
word or phrase you want to locate, click the check box for "find all ... in
document" and select "Find All". That will re-display the doc with each word
or phrase shaded.

That's good if you're aware of a word or phrase you overuse, but often,
we're unaware...

Then, use Grammar Check and adjust the settings for style issues (wordiness, oft-repeated words/phrases, etc.). Otherwise, I'm out of ideas. Sorry.


May very well be the perfect solution, Peter, but see - that's the point...
the OP didn't bother to give us so much as a clue about what it is that they
actually *do* need, so how can any of us do more than take the proverbial
shot in the dark?:)

Phillip Jones

MC said:
I downloaded demos of both -- not very useful. Nothing like as
sophisticated as Textanz appears to be.
I looked at site Textanz. Its strictly a PC only program.
Phillip M. Jones, CET |LIFE MEMBER: VPEA ETA-I, NESDA, ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet

If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!

mailto:p[email protected]




I downloaded demos of both -- not very useful. Nothing like as
sophisticated as Textanz appears to be.
I looked at site Textanz. Its strictly a PC only program.[/QUOTE]

Yes. And I'm guessing that accounts for the subject line of this thread.


MC said:
The OP asked if there was a Mac equivalent of a Window program.

Not exactly - He asked for a means of "looking for words and phrases that Textanz does". Word's inherent Find feature does so, but not
being familiar with that program I merely asked for clarification of his
requirements [the " Textanz does" part - Textanz apparently does a
number of things] in order to point him more specifically in the right
I'd never heard of it either, but about 12 seconds of Googling made it
abundantly clear what he was talking about.

"Abundantly clear"? Really? Both utilities you suggested (WordDump & Word
Counter) merely count instances of words, and do so external of the
document. They Find nothing within the document nor do they count or find
phrases - the 2 fairly specific points Nick did mention.
It would have been easier if he had supplied a link, but I did... so
there's realy no need togo on and on about what the OP failed to do.

There's no need for a link nor was one requested. It doesn't seem at all
innappropriate to ask for clarification from the OP rather than searching
the web only to arrive at what is still an assumption about what was being

BTW - Have you tested either of those utilities on Word 2008's native .docx
files, or seen any claim that either will work on that format? It's a
totally different structure than the file types referenced on either web
site - neither of which mentions .docx compatibility. They both do their
thing by digging into the file & scrounging around depending on how they're

Nick didn't say he *is* using 2008, but he didn't state that he *isn't*
using it, either. All the more reason to ask for clarification rather than
slinging haphazzard "solutions" at him & sending him on a wild goose chase.
Perhaps I'm the odd man out, but I prefer to offer considered, responsible
replies based on knowledge & insight rather than guesswork. I think it's
only fair that the asker do their part by supplying adequate info.
A clear case of MC's Law in operation if you ask me.


"Post in a news group and sooner or later someone will either correct
you, denounce the premise of the post, point out some real or imagined
error you have made, react angrily to some inference that was never
implied, gratuitously provide irrelevant information,* insist that you
gratuitously provide irrelevant information, castigate you for the
inadequacy of your research (without any knowledge of said research),
demand that you justify yourself by meeting some previously undisclosed
standard of erudition or education, or all of the above."

< MC's Law © ® All Rights Reserved. Worldwide Patents Pending. Reg.
EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER" *The Schultz Amendment.

Cute:) but it doesn't apply strictly to newsgroup participation... That's
[a part of] the law of *life*!


CyberTaz said:
Not exactly - He asked for a means of "looking for words and phrases that Textanz does".

The subject line of the thread is pretty concise: "Any word repitition
software like Textanz available for Word for Mac?" In Other Words, if
there was a Mac equivalent of a Windows program.
  Word's inherent Find feature does so, but not
being familiar with that program I merely asked for clarification of his
requirements [the " Textanz does" part - Textanz apparently does a
number of things] in order to point him more specifically in the right
I'd never heard of it either, but about 12 seconds of Googling made it
abundantly clear what he was talking about.

"Abundantly clear"? Really?

Absolutely. It led to the Textanz developer's site. An abundantly clear
site that describes exactly what Textanz does.
 Both utilities you suggested (WordDump & Word
Counter) merely count instances of words, and do so external of the
document. They Find nothing within the document nor do they count or find
phrases - the 2 fairly specific points Nick did mention.

I too pointed out that they were inadequate compared to Textanz.
There's no need for a link nor was one requested. It doesn't seem at all
innappropriate to ask for clarification from the OP rather than searching
the web only to arrive at what is still an assumption about what was being

I don't know why you're having such a problem figuring out what he's
asking. The subject line asks: "Any word repitition software like
Textanz available for Word for Mac?" Is that not clear, somehow? Does
anyone else have a problem understanding what he's asking?

If he erred anywhere, it was in (apparently) assuming that everyone on
this group would knowhat Textanz is and what it does.

You didn't. I didn't. hence my comment that a link would have been
useful. But instead of moaning about not knowing anything about Textanz
(and I didn't know anything about it) I Googled it and posted the link
-- the link that described *precisely* what Textanz does -- the Missing
Link you might say.
BTW - Have you tested either of those utilities on Word 2008's native .docx
files, or seen any claim that either will work on that format? It's a
totally different structure than the file types referenced on either web
site - neither of which mentions .docx compatibility. They both do their
thing by digging into the file & scrounging around depending on how they're


Have you?

All I did was what I said I did: I looked in Versiontracker to see if
there were any apps that revealed word repetition. It returned two hits.
I posted links to them for the OP and for anyone else who might be

I'm not a software tester for the OP or anyone else. Not my job. I took
a cursory look, could see that both were pretty useless and said so. End
of story.

If you're so curious about how they behave with .docx files feel free to
kick the tires and report back on your findings -- or not.
Nick didn't say he *is* using 2008, but he didn't state that he *isn't*
using it, either. All the more reason to ask for clarification rather than
slinging haphazzard "solutions" at him & sending him on a wild goose chase.
Perhaps I'm the odd man out, but I prefer to offer considered, responsible
replies based on knowledge & insight rather than guesswork. I think it's
only fair that the asker do their part by supplying adequate info.

As with anything you find on the internet, you pays your money and you
takes your chances. I was just trying to be helpful. Apparently I didn't
meet your standards. Hence:

"Post in a news group and sooner or later someone will either correct
you, denounce the premise of the post, point out some real or imagined
error you have made, react angrily to some inference that was never
implied, gratuitously provide irrelevant information,* insist that you
gratuitously provide irrelevant information, castigate you for the
inadequacy of your research (without any knowledge of said research),
demand that you justify yourself by meeting some previously undisclosed
standard of erudition or education, or all of the above."

‹ MC's Law © ® All Rights Reserved. Worldwide Patents Pending. Reg.
EXCEPT BY THE CONSUMER" *The Schultz Amendment.

No doubt you will now demand even further justification from me to meet
some previously undisclosed standard of erudition or education, but
actually I've had my last kick at this can. If you want another one, go
for it. Mind you don't stub your toe.


Daiya Mitchell said:
I'm *totally* trying this out, first thing, once I get around to getting
an intel machine.

Lots of other new and useful utilities mentioned in this thread, thanks all!

I just sent them an email asking if they're thinking of coming out with
a Mac version.

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