Anyone have an (large) desk or room seating plan template, please.




Just trying to find a ready-made template for use as a seating plan for an
examination hall containing 6 rows of 10 individual desks each; I'm sure I
can do it in table/draw, just wondering if anyone has an exisiting template I
can use (with acknowledegement), please?



You might try Google-ing for one, but I doubt you'll have much success.
There isn't much demand for _drawing_ templates in a word processing program

If you have no choice but to use Word for this, you'll be far better off
using the tools on the Drawing Toolbar (AutoShapes) rather than the Draw
Table tool, which actually creates table cells that don't provide anywhere
near the flexibility of the Rectangle Tool, et al. Either way, however, you
won't be able to rotate any of the text you might use for labeling.


I don't have a ready-made template for you, but it's pretty easy to make one
if you follow these steps:

1. Start up Word with a new, blank document
2. In the "Insert" menu, choose Textbox* (you may have to "fold out" the
drop-down menu to show all it'ts item; click the round "knob" at the button
of the menu).
3. Click and drag somewhere on your page to place a textbox. This box
represents one table in your plan, so be sure there's room for 6 x 10 of them
on the page.
4. As you create this textbox, Word will by default create a drawing canvas
for your masterpiece -- you may want to click and drag the edges of this
canvas to make the entire drawing make good use of the space on the page.
5. Select the newly created text box by clicking on it's edge: Now you can
copy and paste copies of the textbox. Arrange them in the drawing like you
plan to arrange the physical tables.
6. Click inside each box to type names and/or other information in them.

* My Office is in danish, so I don't know for certain what it's called in
other language versions...

You can also right-click on the edge of a textbox and then select "Format
textbox" if you want to change the appearance of some or all boxes/"tables"
in the plan.

Rae Drysdale

You can search for 'desk' in microsoft clipart and get a diagram of a desk
and chair which you can resize as you wish and create your own seating plan.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Surely the OP doesn't want actual graphics of desks. A 6 x 10 table should
suffice for a seating plan.

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