Milhouse Van Houten
Help content may not appear as expected in 2007 Office programs
I was wondering why accessing *online* help from *within* the Help Viewer
was often coming up blank for me, forcing me to turn the Help system
offline. I can get around the issue if I keep IE7 as my default browser, but
I don't want it to be, and I don't know what that has to do with browsing
online information from within the Help Viewer.
Then I found the above article, which says that "When you try to use
Microsoft Office program Help...Help content may not appear as expected."
However, I don't get either of the errors that it goes on to say I may get
(the Help window is just blank after failing to find anything).
But then comes the real kicker: "This issue may occur if the Microsoft
Windows operating system on which you run the 2007 Office program is not
installed on drive C. For example, this issue may occur if the Windows
operating system is installed on drive D."
Which I do, 'D'.
This may or may not be the same issue (the KB article is too vague to tell),
and there's no mention of the connection with the default browser, but this
one is just too bizarre to bypass.
I was wondering why accessing *online* help from *within* the Help Viewer
was often coming up blank for me, forcing me to turn the Help system
offline. I can get around the issue if I keep IE7 as my default browser, but
I don't want it to be, and I don't know what that has to do with browsing
online information from within the Help Viewer.
Then I found the above article, which says that "When you try to use
Microsoft Office program Help...Help content may not appear as expected."
However, I don't get either of the errors that it goes on to say I may get
(the Help window is just blank after failing to find anything).
But then comes the real kicker: "This issue may occur if the Microsoft
Windows operating system on which you run the 2007 Office program is not
installed on drive C. For example, this issue may occur if the Windows
operating system is installed on drive D."
Which I do, 'D'.
This may or may not be the same issue (the KB article is too vague to tell),
and there's no mention of the connection with the default browser, but this
one is just too bizarre to bypass.