Anyone know a solution for ntdll.dll errors?



I keep getting an ntdll.dll error in my outlook program and the debug feature
does nothing to fix it. I have gone thru the repair program sequence and
that has not helped either. Any ideas out there?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook version? ntdll.dll errors are usually Windows related, not Outlook.
What is the complete error message?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Dr.G asked:

| I keep getting an ntdll.dll error in my outlook program and the debug
| feature does nothing to fix it. I have gone thru the repair program
| sequence and that has not helped either. Any ideas out there?

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