Anyone managed to create a scrolling text box within visio



Need a provision within a visio text box to allow for a greater content than
would normaly be visible - so looking for a scrolling facility

Anyone managed to make this work?


Al Edlund

are you trying to use the native visio text, or are you inserting a text
control (which can have scroll bars, etc..)

Mark Nelson [MS]

I don't know of such a solution out there. However, it should be possible
to build such a shape in Visio 2003. We added string functions like LEFT or
MID that could help here. You could have a control handle perform the
"scrolling" which would essentially update the starting character of the MID
function. I would caution that this would be fairly clunky from the user's
perspective though.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Currently planning on using native visio text

Al Edlund said:
are you trying to use the native visio text, or are you inserting a text
control (which can have scroll bars, etc..)


Thanks, I'll look into this - I only want to display text, but need to have
the potential to update (from time to time) with more content than would
normally be visible within the displayed text box

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