Anyone suggest a good AutoReplacer for OneNote ?


You know... Word has a good Autoreplacer.

You type something ... quick like addr.o (address at the office)
and 5 lines of text spew out so you don't have to type in your whole
office address constantly.

I want something like that for OneNote.

I need to be able to Import / Export the AutoReplacers.
I need it to be multi-line.

Roan Kang (MS)

This functionality actually already exists within the AutoCorrect feature in
OneNote. Go to Tools > AutoCorrect Options > in the box called "Replace"
type in what you want to be shorthand such as "addr.o" > in the box called
"With" type in what you want it to be replaced with, such as your full
address > click OK. Now every time you type addr.o in OneNote, it will
replace your shorthand with your full address.

Hey.... Roan ... you got me excited, but to no avail.

MS Word Auto Replace (not AutoCorrect) is really good. AutoCorrect is
not that helpful. The big difference for me is I need the replaced
text to be paragraphs (ie. multiple lines) really.

In AutoReplace,


turns into ...

Joe Blow
123 Abc Street
Nowhereville, CA

In AutoCorrect,


turns into ... (at best).

Joe Blow 123 Abc Street Nowhereville, CA 90210 (all on one line)

Too bad OneNote didnt have a "MS Word-like" auto replace!


Ditto, As-U-Type ( is the best text expander
out there. It supports multiple lines and you can even customize each
macro individually. It works perfectly with OneNote (and all other
software that I have as well.)

[Isv Guy]

srd said:
The best automatic replacement utility is As-U-Type. But it isn't free, if
that's what you seek.
Stephen Diamond

As-U-Type ( ) is a great program. I like how
you can import from Text Files easily. Certainly pricey but worth it
for me. Thanks Stephen

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