Gentlemen, I appreciate your response, but....
My apologies,
Dirk has the where with all to realize that this post, I found all
alone, as if it were just random.
I found it while skimming google groups "microsoft.public.access - Mar
24, 10:16 pm by Van T. Dinh", I found only one messge and no previous
Now, Mr. Reynolds, do you really think that someone can not have an
opinion or point out a recognizable mistake unless they have
contribution credentials?
If so, then, I have a newbie question:
At what point does one become entitled to have a voice on these NG's?
Google just asked for an account to be set up. I didn't realize that
had to earn his way in to the 'club'. I guess I'm confused, I thought
this was an open service.
Should google have those who respond to demonstrate their credentials?
Maybe a certificate or such. You know, you never can tell. There are
many nefarious trolls
responding to take advantage of innocent honest people asking for
advice on these NG's. A certificate of credentials available for the
readers review, would actually be
a good thing. At least better than MVP, BBC, ABC, PDQ, PGP, DOS,
whatever... I think Oracle is selling that tripe too....
Check your calendar Mr. Conrad, it's March.
If you could, please specify what exactly is far from the truth. That
kind of vagueness is what perpetuates misunderstandings.
I made no comment that Van was scheming. I simply and clearly, if you
read, stated that his title was misleading.
I also pointed out general behaviors on these NG's, that need to be
stopped. We have a responsibility to up hold the integrity of this
knowledge we are
unconditionally obligated to give.
And as Mr. Goldgar pointed out, if the title is all alone, that this
seems suspect, just coming out of nowhere.
And just to be clear, are you saying, Mr. Conrad: (ie being far from
the truth)
That taking advantage of people who need help on these NG's is ok?
That we dont have a responsibility to point out underhanded or
suspicious posts?
That we dont have a responsibility to help and protect others who
post as well as preserve the facts about Access, etc, public and
You might want to detox in rehab, there junkie ;-) Too much of
anything can eventually get to your head.
I hope my mistake and delivery doesn't take from the message of 'not
taking advantage of people in need'.
Thanks for clearing up the matter, my apologies.
Jasen Peters
No credentials earned, apparently.
Christ Church, NZ (not left field)