aol and compuserve browser


Jesse Hand

My page looks fine in both aol and compuserve browsers, except for the photo
galleries. if anyone has aol or cs can you please take a look and let me
know what I need to do to fix it?

I use ie6 and everything looks fine. i assume with netscape as well.



JoAnn Amerson

I use AOL 7.0 Your site is plain but other than that, it's okay. Strated on
photos of DC. Ditto for Amish Country. Takes a while for the pictures to
load and since "'I've been there, done that", I'm ready to move on. Bear in
mind - that's just me.

(BTW - Looks like you took the tour of the "REAL AMISH HOMESTEAD". Gotta
love tourists! I'm from just on the other side of the river - there's no way
I'd do that tour.)

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