Several of my correspondents are still clinging to AOL for their e-mail
service and I guess that's their choice. The problem is that in several
cases (not all) when I try to respond to these AOL users via my MS Outlook
2003 the following occurs:
1) Outlook hangs for about 20-30 seconds.
2) A window pops-up containing the following message: "Microsoft Word is set
to be your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable, not installed, or is
not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook editor will be used instead."
I have Office 2003 installed and it's running under Win XP-Pro/SP-2 with all
the latest updates. In other words, MS Word is in fact available and, yes,
it in fact is the same version as Outlook!
The Outlook editor is, of course, much less robust than the Word editor so I
avoid using it whenever possible. To restore Word as my editor, I have to
close out of and then restart Outlook -- a real waste of time. As near as I
can tell, this occurs mainly whenever I attempting to reply to an incoming
AOL message that contains HTML content.
Short of ignoring e-mails from correspondents hosted by AOL, does anyone
have a solution to offer?
service and I guess that's their choice. The problem is that in several
cases (not all) when I try to respond to these AOL users via my MS Outlook
2003 the following occurs:
1) Outlook hangs for about 20-30 seconds.
2) A window pops-up containing the following message: "Microsoft Word is set
to be your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable, not installed, or is
not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook editor will be used instead."
I have Office 2003 installed and it's running under Win XP-Pro/SP-2 with all
the latest updates. In other words, MS Word is in fact available and, yes,
it in fact is the same version as Outlook!
The Outlook editor is, of course, much less robust than the Word editor so I
avoid using it whenever possible. To restore Word as my editor, I have to
close out of and then restart Outlook -- a real waste of time. As near as I
can tell, this occurs mainly whenever I attempting to reply to an incoming
AOL message that contains HTML content.
Short of ignoring e-mails from correspondents hosted by AOL, does anyone
have a solution to offer?