aol smtp server with outlook2007beta2tr and vista rc1



I have outlook beta2tr have used outlook beta2 since may or june. I have
Vista RC1 build 5600 I started out with XP in May. I cant send aol mail
using smtp with port 587. I get 535 auth error. Funny it worked fine until
about two builds ago in RC1. The funny part is it works fine in windows
mail. Any ideas? My guess is something to do with a change in Vista? But I
cant prove it. Has anyone else reported this to u? ps my hotmail acct works
fine with outlook as u can see.

Patrick Schmid

Did you check that SPA is turned off for the AOL account in Outlook?

Patrick Schmid


if spa means the security or encryption that is set to none. ssl is none fine on windows mail?

Patrick Schmid

SPA = Secure Password Authentication.
It is actually on the main account settings screen, bottom left (a
checkbox). It is not on the more settings screen where SSL, etc are.

Patrick Schmid


Yes I have checked that and it's off. Well I will keep monitoring. Maybe
someone else has had the same problem and can figure it out.. Thanks

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