APA References ... between computers



Is there a way to move my references between computers???

While working on my dissertation, my back and I would like to be able to
switch between my laptop and my desktop ... which would, normally, be
feasible since I prefer to work from a flash drive. Unfortunately, when I
took the flash drive to my desktop ... there were no reference files (there
are 150+ on my laptop!). I hope someone can tell me there is a really simple
solution to this problem ... and posts some nice clear directions for
implementation ... ;-).


Terry Farrell

Never work directly with a flash drive. ALWAYS open and save from your local
HDD. Copy to and from any type of removable media.

Robert M. Franz [RMF]

Hello Sistah
Is there a way to move my references between computers???

yes. On my installation (Vista/Word 2007), they're saved at:


You can check this path and/or in the manage sources dialog (I hope
that's what it's called, I'm using a German language version here at the
moment :)).

Insert a new source on your desktop, to see where the file is created.
Then you can copy in the file from your laptop.

While working on my dissertation, my back and I would like to be able to
switch between my laptop and my desktop ... which would, normally, be
feasible since I prefer to work from a flash drive. Unfortunately, when I
took the flash drive to my desktop ... there were no reference files (there
are 150+ on my laptop!). I hope someone can tell me there is a really simple
solution to this problem ... and posts some nice clear directions for
implementation ... ;-).

I can only echo what Terry says: opening a file directly from any
removable media is good and fine for a throwaway document that you can
easily re-create.

But this is your dissertation: you do not want to take any chances
whatsoever! If you don't create a backup every half hour or so, now
might be a good time to start.

At the very least, work on local files always. And then every time you
switch between the two computers, copy your latest package (at least
Sources.xml, yourdocument.docx, maybe even yourtemplate.docx/.docm, to
your flash drive. Then copy it down to your local machine and work there

Two batch files should be able to do most of the work for you.

You may want to start naming your file something like
dissertation-001.docx, the next release dissertation-002.docx, etc.


Yves Dhondt

The sources used in your document are incorporated in your document. All
others are stored under application data.

By default, all sources on your computer are stored in a "sources.xml" under
"%appdata%\microsoft\Bibliography\". You can copy that list between

If you don't find it there, in Word 2007, you can go to the "References" tab
and click on "Manage Sources". There click on "Browse...". The default
directory where it opens in is the directory where you stored your master

An alternative way of transporting the master source list is through a Word
2007 document. Open a new document. Go to "References", "Manage Sources".
Select all sources from the master list (left list) and use the "Copy ->"
button to copy them to the current list (right). Quit the source manager and
save the document. Then on your fresh install, open the document, go to
"Reference", "Manage Sources". Select all sources in the current list
(right) and use the "<- Copy" button to copy them to the master list (left).

The above method is also useful if you want to merge multiple master lists
(on the same or different computers). The copy function finds doubles during
the merging.

If you are switching a lot between computers, you might want to specify a
master list located on your flashdrive. But be aware that flashdrives are
dangerous to work on directly.


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