API Call from VBA crashing Excel



Hi all,

I am trying to center a Windows Common Dialog using the API call. Trouble
is, when the code gets to 'SetWindowsHookEx' below it is crashing...
' Set up the CBT hook to center the dialog on the screen when Windows
' sends the message that is fully drawn...
Debug.Print "ThreadID:" & GetCurrentThreadId()
Debug.Print "hWnd:" & FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption)

hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, _
modAPICommonDialogLib.WinProcCenterScreen, _
Me.Caption), GWL_HINSTANCE), _
<<< CODE <<<<
here is the procedure pointed at by the 'AddressOf' function call:
Public Function WinProcCenterScreen(ByVal lMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As
Long, ByVal lParam As Long, xForm As UserForm) As Long
' Developer : Philip Livingstone
' Workstation :
' Purpose : Uses the API to centre a modal system dialog on the
' Parameters : lMsg, passed in using the AddressOf function, basically
' subclassing the form...
' lParam, passed in using the AddressOf function...
' Returns : WinProcCenterForm - Long
Dim rectForm As RECT, rectMsg As RECT
Dim X As Long, Y As Long
' Windows is about to activate the form that we're subclassing...and
we have
' applied a hook to it, to run this code when Windows sends the
' Show the MsgBox at a fixed location (0,0)
GetWindowRect wParam, rectMsg
X = rectMsg.left
Y = rectMsg.top
SetWindowPos wParam, 0, X, Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOZORDER Or
'Release the CBT hook
UnhookWindowsHookEx hHook
End If
WinProcCenterScreen = False
End Function
<<< END CODE<<<

Can anyone help me find out what I am doing wrong - for example, should I be
including parameters in the WinProcCenterScreen AddressOf call?



Jim Rech

Why are you bothering to subclass a userform when you can just user the Top
and Left properties to position it (when StartupPosition is set to manual)?

| Hi all,
| I am trying to center a Windows Common Dialog using the API call. Trouble
| is, when the code gets to 'SetWindowsHookEx' below it is crashing...
| >>> CODE >>>>
| ' Set up the CBT hook to center the dialog on the screen when Windows
| ' sends the message that is fully drawn...
| Debug.Print "ThreadID:" & GetCurrentThreadId()
| Debug.Print "hWnd:" & FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption)
| hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, _
| AddressOf
| modAPICommonDialogLib.WinProcCenterScreen, _
| GetWindowLong(FindWindow("ThunderDFrame",
| Me.Caption), GWL_HINSTANCE), _
| GetCurrentThreadId())
| <<< CODE <<<<
| here is the procedure pointed at by the 'AddressOf' function call:
| >>> CODE >>>
| Public Function WinProcCenterScreen(ByVal lMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As
| Long, ByVal lParam As Long, xForm As UserForm) As Long
| '====================================================='
| ' Developer : Philip Livingstone
| ' Workstation :
| '
| ' Purpose : Uses the API to centre a modal system dialog on the
| screen...
| ' Parameters : lMsg, passed in using the AddressOf function, basically
| we're
| ' subclassing the form...
| ' lParam, passed in using the AddressOf
| ' Returns : WinProcCenterForm - Long
| '
| '=====================================================
| Dim rectForm As RECT, rectMsg As RECT
| Dim X As Long, Y As Long
| If lMsg = HCBT_ACTIVATE Then
| ' Windows is about to activate the form that we're
| we have
| ' applied a hook to it, to run this code when Windows sends the
| message...
| ' Show the MsgBox at a fixed location (0,0)
| GetWindowRect wParam, rectMsg
| X = rectMsg.left
| Y = rectMsg.top
| SetWindowPos wParam, 0, X, Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOZORDER Or
| 'Release the CBT hook
| UnhookWindowsHookEx hHook
| End If
| WinProcCenterScreen = False
| End Function
| <<< END CODE<<<
| Can anyone help me find out what I am doing wrong - for example, should I
| including parameters in the WinProcCenterScreen AddressOf call?
| thanks
| Philip



this will hook and center a msgbox over a userform.
I assume you'll adapt from msgbox to Dialog y'self :)

I dont use the xForm argument in the subclassed proc,
instead I set the form's object reference via a public variable.

I've wrapped the form's window handle via property get
(convenience only).

In a form:

Option Explicit

Public Property Get Hwnd()
'returns the window handle of the form
Hwnd = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption)
End Property

Sub Userform_click()
Set oForm = Me
'set the hook
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, _
AddressOf WinProcCenterOnForm, _
GetWindowLong(Me.Hwnd, GWL_HINSTANCE), _

Call MsgBox("Hello")
End Sub

In the public Module
Option Explicit
'(declarations, types and constants omitted)

Public hHook As Long
Public oForm As Object

Public Function WinProcCenterOnForm(ByVal lMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Dim rectMsg As RECT
Dim rectFrm As RECT
Dim x As Long, y As Long

If lMsg = HCBT_ACTIVATE And wParam <> Application.Hwnd Then
'checking on wParam needed for modeless forms.

'the (default) rect of the window being shown
GetWindowRect wParam, rectMsg
'the rect of the userform i want to use for centering
If Not oForm Is Nothing Then
GetWindowRect oForm.Hwnd, rectFrm
End If

x = (rectFrm.Left + rectFrm.Right) \ 2 - _
(rectMsg.Right - rectMsg.Left) \ 2
Y = (rectFrm.Top + rectFrm.Bottom) \ 2 - _
(rectMsg.Bottom - rectMsg.Top) \ 2

SetWindowPos wParam, 0, x, y, 0, 0, _
'Release the hook
UnhookWindowsHookEx hHook
End If

WinProcCenterOnForm = False
End Function


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Philip wrote :



It's not a userform. It's the Windows Common Dialog, which I need to move.

thanks anyway.


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