API for OneNote (Extending)


Phil Jones

Does anyone know if you can program against OneNote at all? Is there a .NET
API for extending, or working with the data from it.

I can think of a number of scenarios where it would form a great base input
tool for an app that solves specific business problems. But I have't really
looked into extending Office yet.

Does anyone know if this is possible, and where I should start looking?

Many thanks

Fritz Switzer


Here is a link that can get you started. It is for the Importing Content to
OneNote article, by Andrew May.


We are using these techniques to build complete Toolkits using OneNote as
our application framework. These include:

OneNote EMR Toolkit (Physicians Electronic Medical Records)
OneNote eScript Toolkit (Electronic Prescriptions)
OneNote RealEstate Toolkit (Contact, Contract and Property Management)
OneNote ProjectMgr Toolkit (Scheduling and Task Management)

Hope this helps, feel free to contact me or visit our website if you need
additional information.


Phil Jones

Thanks Fritz

I've just had a look at your site. It's inspiring to see what you're
doing - and shows just how furtile the ground is in the Tablet PC area. I
think that OneNote might well be a fine drawing/input surface for any number
of vertical industry problems.

A couple of questions spring to mind considering you are someone with
obvious experience in developing against OneNote:

1) Are you doing it all in .NET?
2) Does the OneNote data-structure support the ability to map relationships
between individual notes within the content ( of a single page). I'm
thinking in terms of being able to structure the various notes on a page
into a hierarchical structure.

Many thanks!

Fritz Switzer


Thanks for the kind comments.

1. Yes, we primarily use the following for our Toolkits.

Access DB
AccuInk Controls (extensions of the Tablet SDK's InkEdit with enhanced
handwriting recognition support)
Agilix InfiNotes

2. I'll let others address the internal structure of OneNote and it's data
structure. However, it meets our application requirements for import/export
functionality and I envision additional support in the future to suport
greater functionality.

Hope this helps,


furtile = fertile + futile :)

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